Reviews for Written in the Stars
PurpleRain27 chapter 28 . 5/29
Loved it. Great story.
blondferretgirl chapter 28 . 5/27
Love It!
ChristyWIX chapter 28 . 4/23
I read this whole story in one day. Just blew right through it. It was such an interesting twist on Eclipse. I loved how they each woke up human in their original time, yet retained their memories of they whole vampiric lives they just left behind. It was very fascinating how you gave them all the choice to do it all over again or, not to. It had to start with Carlisle and I loved that he didn’t doubt for a minute and was immediately planning to do it all over again. And, I loved the route he found and took with the sisters. That they were intrigued enough to actually do it for him. That they even believed him, was remarkable. Loved his chapter. Jasper and his knowing that he wa right back on that fateful day, no doubt for him either. His leaving his tent behind, knowing he wouldn’t need it. Then giving his bedding to the young, forgetful, soldier. Very kind of him, even though he knew, again, he wouldn’t need it that night. I loved that he watched Alice grow up and saw first hand how horrible her life was, due to her gift. Well, curse during her human years. Her knowing he was there when she was around twelve, was too cute. Her smiling and waving at the tree line. What a twist you threw in there with her mother and who her father had hired. Would’ve been wonderful if those deaths actually stuck. Edward’s chapter was very sweet and funny. His bed 'wetting' was hilarious. His mom’s 'again', made me really laugh. Him wanting to clean it up himself and realizing he hasn’t a clue how in that era of no machines. Loved that Jasper was there and that they spoke of Edward courting Bella. Jasper’s on the fly lie of her being his sister and that was the true purpose of him being there to visit Edward, was brilliant. His mother knowing what was coming and begging him to leave them to attempt to stay healthy, made my eyes leak. His parents wouldn’t get what Carlisle gave them the first time around because they wouldn’t be there and I found that sad. In THE books, he made sure they had actual graves and that the house was put into another name. Clear out what they could take with them. This version had his mom’s blessing and her giving Edward her rings. It was sad but it made sense. And, it was such a good this that it happened that way or, they never outdone have made it time for little Alice. I loved that she had kept her hair long in her version, as she never got to the asylum where they butchered it. The Emmett chapter cracked me up. The skunk hat and the funny things he was thinking about the trio was hilarious. Edward barely restrained himself from laughter from the things he was thinking. I like how Esme and Emmett didn’t get their memories right away. It gave Emmett the humor you provided. Esme had the innocence and she got a beautiful long courtship with Carlisle. Never having to marry that horrible man and lose her child. Rosalie’s chapter did not surprise me at all, with how Edward and Carlisle had described how she was upon her first few years in the family. Selfish and not thinking of others. I knew she’d pick that route and wasn’t surprised that Emmett chose it for her. I flat out cried in that chapter at their goodbyes. Angered later, that it was all for nothing. I wish you would’ve have fit it in there that Royce got in trouble for doing that to them. That someone saw him do it and he had to serve time for it. Ruining his father’s and his name as a result. Then coming to Bella's chapter. Anchovy syrup, *shivers*. It was so wonderful how she started things a lot sooner. Got herself to Forks at the beginning of that school year. Turned down the mutt the minute he came sniffing around. She was still pissed at him, rightfully so. Loved that she and Edward were instant in your version. Alice's story of them meeting at camp in Phoenix, was brilliant. Her wanting Edward to visit and unable to open her window. For a minute there I thought the mutt glued it shut and that was why she was unable to open it. Especially when he was acting so shady right off the bat. Loved that Charlie was having none of it when it came to the ablakc's besmirching the Cullen's in his home. I really liked when Bella came home from being assaulted by him, that Rosalie was furious with Charlie for dismissing Bella and attaboying Jake. He certainly changed his mind after Rose lit into him. Alice backing it up with how Jake treated Bella in front of her. The whole part when Bella saved Seth was so scary. Bella's quick thinking of telling Emmett to stop the fire. It actually working, was great. I liked that when they came back from that quest, they retained those memories too. I think it helped Esme and Rose most to have those alternate memories showing them very different versions of what they went through. Esme's in a healing aspect. Rosalie's in a holy crap aspect. I think that altered version scared her worse than the real version ever did. Loved how affectionate the altered version, then spilling over to the real version of Edward towards Bella. Those one hundred years of separation really had his person reset to a whole new way of thinking. The mutt doing what he did with Victoria was absolutely unforgivable. What a complete slime toad he turned out to be. I loved your Seth, just as much as THE book version. Seth is such a great character and I really loved how you placed him here. Especially since they won out for more quickly and easily in your version than in THE books. It was a wonderful when you had Rose, Alice and Bella decide to fix up her truck to sell it. I always wondered, with how much joy Rose got from tinkering on cars, that they never did a full restoration on that truck. Not even to sell, just for Bella to have a kick ass ride in a fully restored version. I like that all the women participated in fixing it up and that it grabbed that amount of money. Very much liked what Bella did with that money too. She’s so kind hearted. Loved your version of her change and their honeymoon. Their first time and how very happy they were. Most of all, thank you for no hybrid child. After those alternate lives, I think it would’ve made Rosalie and Esme regress after the progress they’d made. Plus, as a chosen childfree lifestyle woman, I love seeing such absolute joy in couples who go that route in these stories. Myself, alone with all of my friends, went the childfree route with our husbands and have lived very happy lives. We all love children, and have many nieces and nephews we can all borrow but, none of us had them ourselves. It is always refreshing when one of thes pops up and goes our route. Sheesh, I just rambled way too much, sorry. Again, absolutely loved this one. Thank you for sharing your imagination with us here.
IamTheAlleyCat chapter 28 . 4/12
That was really sweet! I like how you handled the ending with Charlie, and I like that Seth brought Jake’s gift.
I was amazed at the Jacob/Victoria twist - did not see that one coming at all!
Thank you for this lovely story,
Alley Cat
tdetwilightlover chapter 19 . 12/8/2019
This communication between the two of them makes me so happyseriously if they could have just done this in sm’s books, at least half of the fights would not have happened!
Guest chapter 28 . 9/16/2019
Just finished this story. I liked that Bella realized FINALLY how mean and manipulative Jacob was. Also that Rose called out Charlie when Jacob assaulted Bella. Unfortunately he still wasn't really punished. At least his madness becomes obvious. Very good story. I plan on reading more from this writer.
Rebecca Rowland chapter 2 . 8/30/2019
I am LOL at a line in the preview: "... Don't tell me you're afraid that it's going to suck all the oil out of all the other cars in La Push." :D Too funny!
sarabo chapter 28 . 5/22/2019
This was such an amazing story! I love canon stories! I guess my real surprise was Leah and Mike! I would never have linked the two of them. On to another one of your stories.
divyvicki chapter 28 . 3/4/2019
Great story! Loved it!
divyvicki chapter 27 . 3/4/2019
Great chapter!
divyvicki chapter 26 . 3/4/2019
Glad she got some closure!
divyvicki chapter 25 . 3/4/2019
Good thinking to fake a flat tire!
divyvicki chapter 24 . 2/20/2019
Love when. Rose is insightful and helpful instead of being nasty!
divyvicki chapter 23 . 2/20/2019
How horrible of Jacob to betray Bella this way, but a very effective plot twist!
divyvicki chapter 22 . 2/20/2019
So glad there won’t be a wolf in the tent! I hated that scene!
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