Reviews for Scroll Panic
Wings13 chapter 1 . 3/22/2015
These stories are actually a breath of fresh air. Although I love the cutesy Sak/Sya fanfiction of both being awkward and romantic, a lot of those same stories always seem to lack the adult theme of their relationship, which many readers like myself would love to see in stories. Good job and I hope to see more stories like this _
mrs. zala chapter 1 . 1/31/2014
for me, it looks like syaoran was 'controlled' by his sexual urge... thanks to that scroll.
is that it? then... the grandpa is somewhat clever then. haha.

until next time,

mrs. zala
SyaoxSaku chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
RAAAAAPE but Saku gave in so um meh I dunno lol

-Good story though
jenuuchi chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Um okay..? Wtf was on that scroll
xSapphirexRosesxFanx chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
He really was on the edge.
Sakuran181 chapter 1 . 7/19/2013
It's great but I keep wondering if he raped her or not.
Jehera chapter 1 . 6/15/2013
lol that was hilarious rotfl was the scroll a porno
Guest chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
I'm confused. He raped her.. Right? Even though she eventually gave in, she still said no. That's rape. And I don't understand why she's fine with everything.. And.. OMG WTF.
akuma no hime chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
i love the smut can u do some more chaps in this please.?
Requiem of memory chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
I'm so conffused...did Li rape her...or...?
JamJel chapter 1 . 3/26/2013

"N-no!" she cried feeling her muscle tense when his hand entered her underwear, "don't touch me there—ahhhhh!"

"Sakura gave a squeak and tried to pull his head away—

"S-stop it!" she whispered in panic but Li wouldn't budge."

"She shook her head, begging for him to stop with her hands clutching on his shoulders but Li was not to be stopped. He inched closer to her and pushed her legs wide, aiming its head in her opening. Sakura tried to push him but Shaoran clasped her hands and pinned it on either side of her head to the wall. Then he slowly slipped inside her in one stroke."

Again do you have some strange fetish with rape? because that's what you are writing. These are not love making scenes these are disturbing as heck rape scenes. Sakura told Saroyan to stop and to not touch yet Sayraon goes against her and does it anyway. He does not listen to her noer does he respect her. If he did he wouldn't do the things he does.

He just rapped her and it wasn't cute. The ending part with Touya asking if his sister was okay while she tells Saroyan to stop but he doesn't listen to her and penetrates her anyway was sick. If a woman tells you "no" she means "no" and you shouldn't still trying to get in her pants because you have a "feeling" that she will just going to like it anyway or get aroused. You can arouse while still being unwillingly in intercourse. But just because she gets arouse doesn't mean she is willingly having sex or is even enjoying it or isn't scared out her mind of the person doing it to her.

I don't know. I find your sexual fantasy stories highly offensive because you keep writing rape as love. It's masochistic. It's humiliating to the person being rape. it takes away the person's power. and it makes the one thing that is suppose to be as intimate and loving as intercourse a terrible horrifying experience. Rape is not sexy. It's horrible. No one should be put in a experiences where a person you think you love takes advantage of you and rapes you and manipulate you into thinking it's love. Man or woman. It's still horrible. I think date rape is the worst kind because you spend t all this time learning about this person thinking they cared for you but then you find out they are willing to hurt you just to get pleasure for themselves.

Please just stop writing date rape and write a normal love making scene where it doesn't start off with the woman screaming for the man to stop and "no" while he penetrates her and then add in "she was aroused." It's creepy. Just Let them both be on equal levels. Let them both want to sleep with each other instead of one really being sure and thirsty and other saying no but the no doesn't matter because he rapes her anyway at the end.
concerned anon chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
um, this is terrible. You practically made Syaoran rape her. She didn't give consent the first time! :
puasluoma chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
Didn't like how he pretty much forced her...
Bohemiann chapter 1 . 3/16/2013
Kero estaba bajo la cama? jajaja
lhaine07 chapter 1 . 3/12/2013
syaoran is really horny but expected as a teenager.
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