Reviews for Remembering
Guest chapter 28 . 8/31/2019
O my goodness! How did I miss this update? It's been so long that I totally lost track of this story :(
As usual a great update! With a totally abhorrant and irrate behaving 11 and obnoxious Amy. But why this alt. Wilf hasn't acted like the other Wilf did we will never know. After all, he knew that Donna wasn't human and wouldn't die from the metacrisis. The punch Donna delivered 11 was totally deserved by him.
Who is the Surgeon? Is it Martha? After all she's a Medical Doctor and there is a mention of a "new situation" in relating to her.
Please do continue to update this story. It's one of the really few Doctor/Donna stories here. And it's a 'fantastic' story.
Zerousy chapter 28 . 7/9/2019
I fear I am forgetting how Martha is supposed to come in since it's been SO long since the last chapter... you said "the surgeon" and instantly my brain went to Time Lord
Zerousy chapter 27 . 5/11/2019
It's been SO long I'm about tempted to reread the whole thing but I have to go to work ;_; but I love it!
Guest chapter 27 . 5/9/2019
welcome back you sexy thing, you!
DevotedSWOW chapter 26 . 2/22/2019
I really really hope you continue to update this story, it's so well written and there is so much that has yet to happen! I am loving it please keep writing!
CptScarlett chapter 26 . 4/26/2018
Love your story! What a fantastic way to fix Jourmeys End! I hope you will update again soon!
Zerousy chapter 26 . 11/8/2017
OMG yes exactly what I needed. I want more!
ad-iuficium chapter 26 . 10/28/2017
I love this story! I really can't wait for more! Thank you!
-Andriana, Greece
pharohtrinity chapter 25 . 5/2/2017
oh how I have missed this! Donna/Tinker is such an amazing mum to Jenny. I can't believe that the Doctor would be the one who just jumped into converting Martha's brain. then again he did use the arch on himself. the last line tho...the Doctor was not handling it as well...oh no!
pharohtrinity chapter 25 . 5/2/2017
oh how I have missed this! Donna/Tinker is such an amazing mum to Jenny. I can't believe that the Doctor would be the one who just jumped into converting Martha's brain. then again he did use the arch on himself. the last line tho...the Doctor was not handling it as well...oh no!
Zerousy chapter 25 . 2/28/2017
I don't care how long it's been, this was really good.
pharohtrinity chapter 24 . 6/13/2016
oh this has been such a great fix it. I love that you made Donna an engineer of sorts. I really appreciate the thoughts that she had of liking the Doctor a bit more but then you stopped that. I am really interested in how these timeline stories are going to play out. looking forward to seeing more of this story!
Guest chapter 24 . 6/7/2016
I like the tension, the urgency in this chapter.

But who's clinging to Terry's leg? Amy or Amelia?
Because I thought that Amy had gone to the infirmary with Rory and the mystery friend and that the one standing besides Terry was Amelia, who Terry had lowered down from his arms to the ground.
So the one clinging to his leg couldn't have been Amy, but should have been Amelia.

I guess that this 11 has distroyed this Silurian community instead of saving them?
YoureInTown chapter 24 . 6/7/2016
A new chapter! Thank you!

I don't like this 11 very much. He's ignoring his companions, even when they are injured and dismissing Terry as not existing and doesn't even talk to him, and lets his self pity overwhelm him.
Someone ought to knock some sense in him. He needs a Donna...
Zerousy chapter 24 . 6/7/2016
Ok, I'm pretty sure that Terry saved them from the solutions but I haven't got a clue what the Doctor is talking about when he said he killed them all. How does this TARDIS feel about Terry's presence? I don't think I have asked that yet.
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