Reviews for Where the Heart Lies
Kid Soulless chapter 38 . 9/22/2019
Damn, that was a close call, if they had seen that brand...
Well, then they'd all be screwed to hell and back -*

Anyhow, I really love this story! May not seem like it with my last comment, but that's mostly because I have very complex feeling feelings when it comes to Sebastian. I like him, but largely I loath him, it's confusing
As for Viola, I love her! She makes me laugh! Her and Sebastian... Well, Sebastian largely only sees her and Bastien as things to use for his own amusement, and if she had a relationship with her, damn it would be toxic.

Ahhh, I'm getting protective of your character, author. That just proves this is a good fanfic! XD

I've become invested in her love life...

that's literally never happened to me before when reading any story or fanfiction! It's weird!
I love it and now I want Patchy or Bastien n to make sure Sebastian doesn't take her to the Dark Side Xb

While I love Viola and Bastien, Patchy is by far my favorite character in your fanfic. He may be just an older version of Cannon Ceil, but you've depicted him perfectly. As I've said before, he and Viola's chemistry is great!

Well, yeah, so I've become invested in this story, which is pretty cool.

This is actually my first favorite Black Butler fanfic btw, which is also dope, so imma put it on my favorites list, whoop!

I'll be waiting eagerly for the next update! ~

Good luck with school
Kid Soulless chapter 37 . 9/22/2019
Fucking Sebastian... His face seems so punchable right now.
God that kind of relationship would be so one-sided, it's not even funny.

He's literally doing all this for his own amusement.

Like, bruh, not cool.

This is going to bite her in the ass, I know it
Patchy warned her, the fucking Undertaker warned her, hell, even William-fucking-Spears warned her, yet still she..!
Uhhg, fustration, rawr! so not looking forward to the massive ass consequences that are going to crawl up from the pits of hell after this (she even just cried about how foolish she is for never thinking about the consequences of her actions)

Well... Character development has to happen somehow XD
(really hope romance and smut aren't going to take over the story though)

I'm frustrated with her, but really don't want to stop reading the story...

Well, guess I'm just curious about how all of this is going to turn into a massive shitshow -*

Still a good story, even if I skip over snogging parts because I'd probably end up breaking my phone from sheer irritation about how she doesn't realise how fucked-up Sebastian is (well, she does,she just seems to be ignoring it) much oof.

This story seems to have ensnared me, alas, I must continue to read it, for shame~

I have to see the fallout, I must.
Just hope Patchy slaps some sense into her, like the caring friend he is, lol.

Can totally see that happening, he knows how it'll all play out anyways Tose two's chemistry is great, btw
Kid Soulless chapter 29 . 9/21/2019
Ah, Undertaker... Really you are quite dangerous when you're bored... And Intrested in something -_-
Really should invest in puzzle games.
Kid Soulless chapter 25 . 9/21/2019
I really hope she doesn't get into that kind of relationship with Sebastian, no matter the reason behind his actions, it doesn't bode well as he's literally been in her nightmares and gave her a phobia of darkness, and acted like a sadistic creep in said nightmares and in real life.
Along with that, Patchy doesn't trust him at all and prevented his kidnapping her on multiple occasions.
Also, his possessive and seemingly obsessive tendencies with her just isn't healthy in any kind of relationship

Well, this story is undeniably good in most any way despite what a mildly (greatly) disturbing relationship that would be. (my personal opinion, of course -)
Kid Soulless chapter 13 . 9/20/2019
Yes, let's knock out the deathly I'll person, because logic.
Kid Soulless chapter 12 . 9/20/2019
Someone has sister syndrome~
How cute Xb
Kid Soulless chapter 11 . 9/20/2019
My feels have been poked XD
That was fucking adorable.
Kid Soulless chapter 5 . 9/20/2019
Kid Soulless chapter 1 . 9/20/2019
Dang, spooky.
Ceil, Sebastian, what are you planning, little snakes~?
Guest chapter 1 . 8/20/2019
Please update as soon as you can
Wonderwomanbatmanfan chapter 38 . 4/2/2019
I so going to enjoy this Arc hahahaha. Please update when you can :D
mistressclumsy chapter 37 . 9/3/2018
Loved this, well written. Excellent concept and idea. Brilliant !
pupstarstar chapter 37 . 7/1/2018
Oh my!~
Guest chapter 37 . 6/2/2018
Viola and Bastian are the most interesting ocs to read about. The story isn't entirely about her, which is different for once. Me likey. Also loving Patchy, he's so sassy and mysterious, I almost like the pairing of him with Viola but as she sees him as a brother of sorts, that would be weird. Not a fan of Sebastian as the one to win, but considering her other two options don't work for her either... but ah well. He's too perfect and I like flaws more than perfection.
Esmereilda chapter 37 . 5/28/2018
ur playing with fire there my dear
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