Reviews for Just a Little Holiday Blackmail - White Day Edition
AmethystWind95 chapter 9 . 10/4/2013
Love it! Could you make a sequel about the possible relationship that bloomed from this song with each of the boys?
LittleBottle chapter 9 . 7/19/2013
Ahahaha wow XD Such an intense song XD And such an intense story too ! 0.0 I am speechless in all the different descriptions XD They're all so beautiful ! XD All their expressions 0.0 You never seem to run out of words to describe things 0.0 And yeah having five people singing THIS kind of song will DEFINITELY have problems 0.0 But you picked the right lines for everyone and the song IS very beautiful ! XD I downloaded it straight away ! XD
godess bubbles chapter 9 . 7/16/2013
Awwww,That was so cute!Though I wish I knew if she got with them!
samnightshade chapter 9 . 5/13/2013
Gah! I just returned from a trip and saw this waiting in my e-mail. Oh gosh, I'm in love with Stella Quintet all over again (temporarily distracted by the STARISH boys from "Uta no Prince-sama"). Len's lines were /really/ fitting. :3
KyGazer chapter 8 . 5/6/2013
Amazing story! Keep it up. I have been following this story and your previous one which were both really good!
Can't wait to find out who is K107! The person better be Kahoko, what a surprise for the boys and it should be a romantic number. Btw the songs chosen here are good, people do have good taste. I'm obsessed with the songs 'Hey Juliet' and 'As long as you love me'
samnightshade chapter 8 . 5/1/2013
I definitely remember this song. Kyaa, you put all my favorite pairings (well, I Shouji/Len isn't something I really like but sometimes I do consider them; I guess it's the same with Kazuki/Miyabi) together! K107... who could that be? w
LittleBottle chapter 7 . 4/25/2013
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HE IS SO CUTE ! X'D OH MY GOD 0.0 The-the-the-the THE SCENE that scene ! (T_T) OH that was so sweet ! XD I wonder why kazuki wouldn't really admit tht he likes boy bands though XD Ahaha they're awesome ! XD N the question ! XD N the way he ran 0.0 Geez kazukiii ! XD KYAAAAA XD N he heard he heard he HEARD ! XD Her answer ! X'D Oh it fits them so well ! X'D Oh except for the bad boyfriend part but yeah ! I never noticed that about "All I have to Give" X'D It's very sad 0.0 But very touching as there's no trash talking 0.0 Oh n the LMNT is something i've never heard before XD I didn't expect Kazuki to say Juliet By LMNT XD Thaaaanks XD KYAAAAAAA Thanks again for writing this XD I love how he blushed when he used his two fingers to touch his lips n all 0.0 Oh n i love that smolder comment XD
samnightshade chapter 7 . 4/24/2013
Another chapter, hooray! XD

That's a sweet song. The part before his performance was really amusing. Wa, I wonder what the group song will be? 8D
mtnikolle chapter 7 . 4/24/2013
I *loved* the top section! Recent convert, indeed. Hope Kahoko gets his message :)

As for the other songs... if everything works out like it does in my imagination, perhaps Kazuki could use those in a private concert...? ;)
LittleBottle chapter 6 . 4/13/2013
wait wait so Azuma was NEVER blackmailed at ALL ? 0.0 but the line "to actually be blackmailed this time" meant that he was blackmailed for the white day but not the christmas was it..? 0.0 N the concept of azuma being a forty-year-old man is kind of comical XD N YES I AM VERY SURPRISED that Azuma wasn't blackmailed 0.0 That was a very good twist ! X'D Im utterly speechless XD So in the end Azuma is going to England for business...? N the song really fits him ! XD N i like how he let his mask falter when he sang that almost last line ! XD N NEXT IS KAZUKIIII GYAAAAAAAAAAAAAA I REALLY CAN'T WAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT N this time it IS waiting for real n not just a click away ! XD Sorry for taking so long to read ! 0.0
LittleBottle chapter 5 . 4/13/2013
wow taking away his cello is mean.. 0.0 HOW just HOW did u come up with such an idea? XD But yeah i picked this song too ! XD N i never realized why... But yeah it IS because he's so wrapped up in his own world that romance is like ... well it's off-limits XD - Now this word shall always remind me of "late" XD Keiichi has the impression of an angel here XD But then again he always had XD I don't really like keiichixkahoko either 0.0 Oh n I love ur explanation of how Keiichi always thinks about music XD But the event about the real flowers...? Did that really happen ? 0.0
LittleBottle chapter 4 . 4/13/2013
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ! OH MY GOD ! WH-wh-wh-wh-WHAAAT ? KYYYYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAA -fangirl all over- Ok ok ok -deep breath- KYAAAAAAAA THAT OPENING LINE ! I JUST CAN'T REALLY IMAGINE KAZUKI SAYING A LINE SOOO- GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH n Len's arrogance making the room hotter ! XD OH N KEIICHI OH MY GOD IF KEIICHI WAS TO- OH MY 0.0 But its still KAZUKI ALL THE WAY for me ! XD N the reason for the NEW blackmail WOW XD It seems SO easy to manipulate them 0.0 Nami is like... well... wow... im very impressed n satisfied by the explanation ! XD ITS PERFECT ! XD I didn't get the summary bout the tickets being White Day's gifts but now I perfectly understand XD It's probably because i don't really have such tradition here so the concept didn't really pop up in my mind XD OH n KAZUKI POOR POOR KAZUKI ! 0.0 HOW DARE NAMI 0.0 Kazuki was so scared for the gay thing ! 0.0 But yeah i guess everyone would b scared too.. Poor kazuki 0.0 But i bet he'll be LIKE SO COOL WHEN HE SANG THIS SONG ! -screams-
LittleBottle chapter 3 . 4/13/2013
ahaha forgotten how to write lenxkaho ? XD But this story reminds me of that pocket thing in the journey XD n yeah how can u forget bout the audience? XD It does seem like a lot of fun writing bout the melting audience XD ahhaaha just imagining myself writing it makes me melt-ish myself ! XD I can't wait for the next one ! Well it's just a click away but still XD N I also think that I have a problem deciding whether or not characters r OC or OOC 0.0 -sigh-
LittleBottle chapter 2 . 4/12/2013
ehehhee XD First solo yaaay ! XD the dialogue was well..? the words that came to my mind is dokidoki-ing but yeah its far from a real word XD ahaha i love the walking home scene XD So sweet n yeah Ryou is pretty much like a saver buut so is Kazuki XD They're so alike 0.0 Well i don't know but i think Kazuki and Ryou saves kahoko a lot of times in different ways..? Oh n i guess Len n Azuma indirectly saves her too 0.0 Hmm... But it's awesome how Kahoko actually made Ryou confident bout his piano skills XD I admire her bravery.. Hmm im starting to admire Kahoko for the first time ever XD
LittleBottle chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
Aaaaaaaaaaah FINALLY I GOT TO READ THIIIS ! XD Ahahaha so cuuuuuuuute XD But i hope we get to find out why the boys agree to another concert ! XD I'm curious ! XD N kazuki is sooo cute ! XD Especially when he got the last solo cos he didn't call dibs n stammer instead XD N i love the descriptions of their diverse characters XD But i don't get what u mean by "Girl you got me on my knees / Beggin' please, baby please." Well, that part was right, but it was the wrong girl".. SO Kazuki was kneeling in front of a random girl ? 0.0 Oh n the choreography 0.0 I would have absolutely NO IDEA how to describe people dancing XD
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