Reviews for Simply Beth
Guest chapter 12 . 4/21
I want morrrre
Amira Kiara Oblivion chapter 9 . 11/12/2018
"I just aim to misbehave." - Firefly quote. Forever love that show.
That part in your story reminded me of that.
Amira Kiara Oblivion chapter 8 . 11/12/2018
I'm happy that it was only hinted at.

Personally, I love teasing. Just endless onslaught of flirting and teasing and innuendos and everything edging sexual actions, but pulling back only just so. (Sex is boring for me, it's too quick, and too painful.)
Amira Kiara Oblivion chapter 7 . 11/12/2018
mouth is watering. /
Amira Kiara Oblivion chapter 6 . 11/12/2018
fuck, now that had my heart in my throat. I even felt like I was passing out myself. Very well written.
Amira Kiara Oblivion chapter 5 . 11/12/2018
omfg, that was so good. my panties and shorts got soaked through too.
i'm finally watching the walking dead and I got to the part where Beth and Daryl got drunk and started fighting... honestly thought that they'd fuck, was sad that they hadn't, but I guess she's still 17... meh, 16 is legal here.
so glad that i found this story.
Guest chapter 12 . 3/2/2018
This was written quite a while ago, but I just wanted to say I really loved your story! The sexual scenes are very intense and dark but not in vulgar way (thank God they didn't continue with the rape role play that was too extreme). Overall, I think the approach you gave to this couple was very unique. Personally I'm a sucker for angst, specially when is this good, the only thing that made me sad was the fact it isn't longer (but hey, the writer knows when to end his/her own story). And thanks for the epilogue, it was good to end on a little hopefull note.
animemangaobsessed chapter 1 . 1/24/2018
*purr* yes sir, Daryl Dixon sir~
Guest chapter 12 . 8/20/2017
Cute ending
Guest chapter 12 . 5/22/2017
I loved the way you ended it! It's nice and sweet and probably how it should be. Great work:)
Guest chapter 9 . 5/2/2017
Wow-I'll be reading that over and over and over again!
Iris Willow Greene chapter 12 . 2/9/2017
i really have to say this was dark, but really beautiful
emerald1921 chapter 5 . 1/29/2017
great chapter! the ending interrogation had me laughing out loud!
Guest chapter 12 . 12/18/2016
Omg I felt so many emotions reading this fanfic I hope you continue writing daryl fanfics in the future :)
Guest chapter 12 . 12/10/2016
How could you end it like this!? Why would you do that?! AHHHHHHH!
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