Reviews for Evolution
Anmynous chapter 2 . 3/26/2010
"She ought to be good at science. You know what they say about rabbits and multiplication…"

oh man, that was awesome.
Cyde chapter 12 . 1/26/2007
This is actually my third time reading this particular piece of fiction. You've managed to take a pairing I never even gave consideration to and make it work. Make it real. Kudos to you in that regard.

As an aside to the 'reviewer' before me, you are entitled to your opinion, wrong as it is. Not everyone shares it. Stating your grievance in capital letters doesn't make it any more relevant or poignant. I'm relatively certain that if our author cared whether or not YOU thought Momo and Ryu were a good couple, he or she wouldn't have written the story. The fact that the story exists should have told you not to press the "Submit Review" button to begin with.
Astrallord chapter 1 . 8/22/2005
..WORST COUPLE EVER! even garr x nina would make a better story...or even peco x rei...! but were talking about ryu x momo which is plain EW! you make me wanna ...something...on tha floor!
Kinzoku chapter 12 . 3/27/2005
You, Magnus Prime, are an absolute genius.

This story was a Godsend in my ever failing hunt for Momo/Ryu fandom. Which of course, has been completely fruitless. I just can't stop reading this. It is simply amazing. _

I congratulate you on this work and hope that you write more!

Momo x Ryu forever!
Deth Apacolypse chapter 12 . 3/17/2005
No matter how often I read this story. And I know I've read it a good 5 or 6 times I still love it. Although I always wish there was more to this story. I like it all the same.
Beatelyluck chapter 12 . 3/16/2005
Ugh that story scared me because Momo in the game is supposed to be 26 and Ryu 16 and how many years does this story take place after the game and you never changed their age's so I got scared reading this story. Im sorry to be mean but that is plain scary to me.
Defeated User Number One chapter 13 . 9/5/2003
It's not often that I run across a fanfic so good that I read it all the way through more than once. This one touched me, in more ways than one; it was brilliant how you kept all of them in-character, and I was especially impressed with the way you designed Ryu's. I will confess that I was a bit taken aback-at first-by the revelation of Repsol's history for this fic, but it seemed perfectly appropriate to the plot.

I will also confess that I was curious about Peco turning into one of the Yggdrasil trees; he was able to communicate with them, certainly enough, but wasn't he the child of the mutant outside the Plant? Well, that's what I remember, at least; sorry for the maudlin detail there. ;

I particularly loved the romance scenes, as well as the ballroom dance (and Momo's hilariously in-character reaction to the dream she had; was there more than one? I'd have to read it over again, I fear; I only remember the first.) Ryu's reaction to (and your detailing of) his Kaiser state was impressive as well. The two of them really shined in this story; you write romance with impressive ability, my friend.

It was nice to see Nina and Rei paied up with others as well; Shamus and Tai were impressive as OCs. I'd be interested in reading a story centered on one of them. :)

Finally, let me say that it was amazing to find someone that actually put such a degree of obvious effort and talent into a fanfiction; this has to be one of the finest I've read on , to date. Thank you for writing this, my friend; it really made me day to read this story for the first time, and it has me thoroughly hooked-even glancing at it seems to make me want to read it again. Not kidding ye, either; it's an excellent piece from one o' my all-time favorite games, and featured one of the most well-written romances I've found in fanfiction. :)

I'm sure you've probably heard enough o' me gushing by now; it's the best I could do, given a house of chatterboxes and a television that constantly runs if I'm not the only person awake. ; (Thank God I don't do my writing in the livingroom or I'd never get any quality pieces done...)

Anyway, that's all for now. oo Thanks again, MP; from what I can see, you're one of the best.
Quill of Dreams chapter 1 . 3/8/2003
Wow. This is so cute!
GG Crono 4 chapter 13 . 1/31/2003
This is pretty neat.
Deth Apacolypse chapter 13 . 1/29/2003
Uhm I'm working on it

And great work my friend


You are pretty good.
Shadow Angel chapter 12 . 1/22/2003
Oh, this was great! Finally, something different than the usual pairing, although I don't see anything wrong with Nina and Ryu, this is way more interesting. I'm glad I was able to read such a work! Arigatou!
Mordre chapter 1 . 1/22/2003
The only bad thing I can say about it is that it ended.. A really nice story, its a shame there's not more. You're an excellent writer, and I look forward to any other BoF fic you may make.
Rina Cat chapter 13 . 1/20/2003
You've finally finish it! And I still love it! XD It was fun reading your fiction. And oh, I almost done with the pic that I promised to draw for you. Hopefully I can send it by tomorrow. :D
Royal Kitten chapter 12 . 1/18/2003
Grand story! I enjoyed reading something that made more sense to me. Ryu and Momo seem like a better pair than Momo and Rei, or Ryu and Nina for that matter. You made it work perfectly.
Feral Strike chapter 12 . 1/16/2003


*hysterical crying*

It's over...?'s so kawaii!

So, so very sweet and lovely!

Ryu-chan and Momo-san, together at last!

You did it so very well, M.P, and i have to praise you (like i should) for such an excellent fic! It was fantastic and compelling to the very last. All that's left now is to demand a sequel..._

Anyways, thank you for a wonderful read, and I sincerely hope to see more!

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