Reviews for Trying Being Human
SarahKnight chapter 19 . 2/28/2019
Brilliant story. So insightful that they would struggle so much and you made the struggles so believable with regard to their differing characters and issues. So much angst! This was truly excellent.
MancVamp chapter 19 . 5/25/2013
I know from bitter experience that there are no words in existence that could offer you any comfort about your Mum, but I'm glad that Being Human allowed you to escape a while.

Thanks for the fabulous epilogue to this wonderful story.
Saba's Reflection chapter 19 . 5/22/2013
Now this is the ending I was waiting for! I always enjoy dark bitter conclusions which leave the rest to the imagination, and this is definitely it. I never did think Hal could stave off his demons forever, so succumbing to them once more seemed to be fate.

I'm so sorry to hear of your plight; you have my condolences. I understand that appeal of Being Human where you can just immerse yourself in its fictional universe for a while. I'm in awe of you finishing this story despite everything occurring in your life.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/21/2013
I am so sorry to hear about your mum, and glad that writing/the show gave you some comfort and escape. Thank you for sharing your story, x
MancVamp chapter 18 . 5/18/2013
What a treat! Two endings! I loved the first one more. It felt right somehow. And perhaps that now they are not together anymore in HH then something, something, something.
No matter, this has been a great story to read and I have thoroughly enjoyed it. You explored facets of the characters that I wouldn't have considered and I loved it.

Thank you!
Saemay chapter 18 . 5/16/2013
As soon as I reached the punchline, the kicker I was gutted ... but LOVED it anyways. Deliciously tragic, delicately drifting into darkness. So apt.
Once I turned the page (and at first I almost didn't want to) my heart was uplifted. Both chapters feel natural. Both could be. Both are... in a sense.
This story has really struck home and I have loved every bit of the depths you have taken the characters too. Commendable writing with a contemplative deepness I yearn for. Thank you for sharing the not-so-rosy. Thank you for sharing the "real".
Saba's Reflection chapter 18 . 5/16/2013
Having read both of the endings and absolutely loved them, I can completely understand why you were compelled to write two and not be forced to pick one or the other! The first ending was heart-wrenchingly sad, and I would have been interested to see how things developed when Alex called later and nobody was home to answer! This second ending is probably preferrable to anybody who enjoys fairytales - happy ever afters et al!

Ooh, an epilogue! I anticipate that. :D
Saemay chapter 16 . 5/14/2013
Life got hectic and I fell several chapters behind. Just caught up with the last three and O.M.G.! Was kind of a treat to read to this build up all at once but now my poor head is spinning. This argument and Tom's hurt and the snap to defensive and then cooling... stomach in knots it felt so real. Alex would be crumbling if Hal hadn't leant forward... This whole story is lovely and wrenching and raw and I can't believe it could be coming to an end so soon!
Saba's Reflection chapter 16 . 5/9/2013
This was certainly a chapter worth waiting for! I really sympathised with poor Tom, and I actually feel sorry for all of them in different ways.

I don't know what the end holds, but bad or good, it's going to be good!
MancVamp chapter 14 . 5/4/2013
Another couple of excellent chapters. Loved Chapter 14 especially, it's all unravelling so beautifully with a subtle tension that is mouth-watering...
Saba's Reflection chapter 14 . 5/1/2013
:D I like how you've attempted a fresh style of writing here, though I'd recommend you proof-read more intensely as I've noticed errors in the past two chapters. Overall, brilliant work and you're leaving us in suspense here!
RosemaryW chapter 14 . 4/30/2013
Really strong last couple of chapters. I really like what you're doing with Alex, it's a very different take on her that's really working. I'm also intrigued as to where you're taking Hal, it's not looking good for him. Looking forward to reading more!
On a side note, totally agree with you on Joyce, once had to read Ulysses in a week during my degree, not easy going, but I liked the stream of consciousness stuff you've done here. Nice way of giving some insight into the characters.
MancVamp chapter 12 . 4/23/2013
chapters 11 - 12

Oh I do hope you can update very soon. And congratulations on so many readers to your story. I LOVED these last two chapters - there is a subtlety, a mood and a melancholy that is absolutely inherent throughout all of Being Human that you rarely see reflected in fanfic, I guess mostly because people remember the funny stuff more. But it's there. Once again - so very well written. Think about your end point and take us there now. Thank you.
Sunset Mission chapter 12 . 4/22/2013
Loving the story so far. Interesting how the most difficult thing for them to battle after the Devil is simply themselves. Looking forward to the next chapter! Btw, Nina's last name was Pickering, not Rogers. :)
Saemay chapter 12 . 4/22/2013
The bromance and tough convo is refreshing in this. I love Tom dearly - heart goes out to him all the time, especially this lost version. Human Hal seems stronger in this, more even keeled than in earlier chapters. Is all the staking really helping him? Because the first time they did it didn't seem like it would really help. Or does he have something else going on the side...
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