Reviews for The Wedding
FantasticallyTragical chapter 3 . 10/14/2019
Moira Starsong chapter 3 . 8/4/2017
OMG. the first two chapters were so sweet, I loved the Viking wedding you went with (recognized it right away bc I watch Vikings, lol), and that last chapter. OMG. HOT. :: fans self ::
Well done. Sweet fluffy smut. I heart you so much right now. But I'm a total and complete Fili girl, so of course I love this. :P
Guest chapter 3 . 8/29/2014
Please please write another story continuing on from this. This is the best hobit story I've read so fili oc
Wynni chapter 3 . 8/5/2014
Before, Durin, After, beautifully done. Very yummy read. Love the pun, too. still chuckling
SnuggleErika chapter 3 . 1/11/2014
WOW! Great three shot, I loved the flashbacks and of course chapter 3! Well written, very descriptive without feeling to...clinical? You write a great lemon let me just say that! I loved it well done! Some of the tenses were a but nothing that distracted from the over all story just kinda polish items nothing major. I truly enjoyed it and look forward to checking out anything else you've done!
Appello chapter 2 . 11/12/2013
You're a lot better at fluff than you give yourself credit for, you know?

I ADORE your Fili characterisation, especially the cute stuff at the beginning. I can imagine Fili would be such a sweetheart in a relationship, kinda gruff on the outside but with an absolute heart of gold inside, if you know what I mean... and you do that so perfectly. I love the dialogue, the slight possessiveness, the lust... it all just builds up so nicely to the - ahem - climax at the end :P

I always reread this story when I want a bit of Fili love in my life. Thanks for sharing it and I hope you never stop writing :D
lovemellama chapter 3 . 5/9/2013
WOW FUCK THAT WAS HOT BUT SO BEAUTIFUL LIKE WOW UPI ARE AMAZING. That must have been the best wedding smut I have ever read, and dear god don't even get me started on the reunion. IT WAS PERFECT. I would pay to get a whole novel on everything leading up to the wedding night, seriously.
naturally morbid chapter 3 . 4/13/2013
This was awesome! Loved it! :)
Appello chapter 3 . 4/10/2013
Guest chapter 2 . 4/2/2013
Great, great chapter! :)
naturally morbid chapter 2 . 3/30/2013
Love! Can't wait to read what's next!
acacia59601 chapter 2 . 3/30/2013
Beautiful wedding! Exactly how I would have wanted it! Now for the wedding night!
melocets chapter 2 . 3/29/2013
I love all ya stories. Please keep going on this one, the fluffy one, and the smutty one. XD
LianaDare8 chapter 2 . 3/29/2013
Oh update soon!
Isram chapter 2 . 3/29/2013
I like this story soo much... That's so sweet and soft and... And I love the way you write */*

Next chapter pwease !
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