Reviews for Bend and Break
ectodreaming chapter 2 . 11/15/2014
Ahhhhhh! I canNOT tell you how much I love this! I want to give a longer review but i'm on my phone ALL the time so it's super hard :-( ANYWAY THIS STORY IS SO GREAT YOU ARE SO GREAT DAMN IT I LOVE YOU
A Tomato Llama's World chapter 2 . 5/8/2013
Ok honestly when I saw the summary and now read this chapter I instantly thought of the lyrics he slept a summer by my side and filled my days with endless wander and then and still I dream he'll come to me...but there are dreams that cannot be? o.O other than that Great job with the story! /b
Spadejo9 chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
Beautifully written! I loved the way your words flowed easily with each other. It sounds so... Professional (for lack of better term). And I loved how you didn't use any dialogue in it!

Summer love doesn't usually last, but this story is perfect.
scarletnight72 chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
This was a really beautiful story. I especially like your ending line.
Anonymous chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
MiraMizu15 chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
I actually really like this. Although the pace is rather quick, it's nice in a way. I had to go back and reread several times and each time added more to the story. I notice this doesn't say complete, so I hope to catch more!
Anonymous chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
AWW in a good way
PurpleHeartPirate chapter 1 . 3/27/2013
...oh my gosh...i am trying so hard not to cry right now...thank god that there is going to be a second chapter! update soon please!
Colores chapter 1 . 3/26/2013
Why in hell lovino could forget Antonio?
In this story he only drops our poor lovino and then continue his life with another sweet heart.
Oh Man! I rly want a second chapter.
Itanohira chapter 1 . 3/25/2013
AHHDGGSSODALKKA this was so WONDERFULY ANGSTY and ahsncjdi LOVED IT. It was beautiful, well written and it made my heart so bad during the scene with Antonio with the two girs and one guy. Ahhh... can't wait for the next chapter!