Reviews for Mended
Guest chapter 1 . 8/5
This is honestly one of my favorite fanfictions. This is my 3rd time here. I can’t get enough of it. I love it so much
diana chapter 1 . 7/7
love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/6
This was beautiful. I loved reading it so much. I’m so happy that Zuko was there for Katara.
KuroUsagid chapter 1 . 11/9/2019
This was incredible. I think you made an accurate representation of the trauma. This fic is golden perfect. I loved it. Thank you so much for writing it!
PrincessRae1230 chapter 1 . 11/6/2019
Apparently, you can only post one review per chapter, so seeing as this is a oneshot I had to log out to post this. I just wanna day I read this story for the first time when I was 15. I’m now 21. Over the years, I would come back to this fic and re-read it periodically, and I have no doubt that I will continue to do so. So thank you so much for writing a story that I can keep coming back to and enjoy over and over again no matter how old I get!
Evana chapter 1 . 7/31/2015
Very good. I enjoyed myself immensely. Thank you for writing.
Yazzysnazzy chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
Honestly I could see that Aang turned evil. I mean if you think about it what is the idea of "perfect" went to his head and he tried to make everything perfect, a good reason for him not harming her anywhere and one could see, and another reason he tried to make her the perfect wife, by of course beating her but honestly I could see that as a possibility for a person who simply got messed up with all the pressure put on him at such a young, and fragile, age. Now of course I don't believe that he is evil but I'm just saying it's a possibility.
Princess Rae1230 chapter 1 . 2/6/2014
This is not my first time reading this story, and I don't remember if I reviewed the first time. In case I didn't, I just want to tell you how AMAZING this story is. It's very beautiful. You even added in some Tokka into it! I love Tokka, but it is getting harder and harder to find Zutara fanfics with Tokka in them. So thank you! This story is so great that I'm not even the slightest bit upset that Aang was so evil. Aang's character was a little shocking at first, but I got used to it.
Vamptisha chapter 1 . 1/19/2014
that was a great one shot love the happy endin
the only daughter of Pluto chapter 1 . 12/15/2013
Love it!
Lady Elisabeth chapter 1 . 8/13/2013
This is so wonderful and sweet. Aang is pretty out of character, of course, but then again he kinda has to be for the plot to work. You have a wonderful style, and the story flows well. And can I just say that I really appreciate their first time being their wedding night?(: it's so beautiful and appropriately pure, and is in perfect contrast to Katara's abusive previous sexual relationship with Aang. (Also I just believe extramarital sex is wrong.)

Thank you for the lovely Zutara! This was a very well-done one shot. (:

Lady E
storyoftheunknownfangirl chapter 1 . 7/26/2013
Oh my dear lord that is one of the single most beautiful pieces of writing I have ever had the pleasure of reading in my life. So many Drabble opportunities! Ugh I'm in love.
Willowdove chapter 1 . 7/2/2013
I really, really love it despite the fact that I want to hate you for writing Aang as an... ahem... awful person *cough*evil asshole*cough*. What's more you made him BELIEVABLE as that. I couldn't wrap my head around how you could possibly make that work but you DID. And I have been having Dadko feels for awhile and even though Kya isn't a steam baby, shes his baby and I LOVE THEM. Plus I really like the name Kya- the idea she's named after Kaaras mother is really sweet.
WishMaker chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
Awesome story! GREAT writing! But Aang was SOOOO EVIL! :O and Zuko was SOOOO cute and caring for Katara! i love those two! XD 3
scythe's serenade chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
That was amazing... Although I can never imagine Aang like that, it as cute.
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