Reviews for Coffee Sidefics II
Guest chapter 16 . 5/4
je veux la suite de coffee sidefics 2
CosmicKate chapter 16 . 2/7
Honestly left me wanting to punch your ex in the face and give you a hug. I haven't been following how things have been with you on Tumblr for a while now, but I really really hope things have gotten better! Much love 3
lunaa chapter 16 . 8/26/2019
Very sorry to hear you've been through something like this. I'm with Naru, it's bat time! Jokes aside, boo on that ex.
Guest chapter 16 . 8/5/2019
I’ve been making my way through reading all of the Coffee fics and am all caught up now. I really liked finding the parallels between universes and just seeing how their experiences affected their interactions in each. Reading your work has been fun and heart-wrenching and totally worth the time it took. Thank you for writing these stories! I can’t wait to read the rest of your SasuNaru (and NezuShi) fics!
tiquismiquis33 chapter 16 . 8/2/2019
based on your own experience? cheer up, I hope you're better
Marditilyoudrop chapter 16 . 7/29/2019
Thank you for sharing this- the story of abuse in all its forms needs to be discussed more openly and progress is being made ( though seemingly at a glacial pace). It is difficult, devastating and scary to go through and it can seem like you will never be free of it. You can. You will. You are strong . You are stronger than a person who would do this to you, please continue to know your value. I care as do so many others.
RoniBopShop chapter 16 . 7/26/2019
This really touched a chord with me. Thanks for writing this 3
cake0108 chapter 16 . 7/25/2019
It was nice hearing about Inos past! Makes me want to know about Itachis past too! Thank you so much for writing this! Your writing always makes me happy!
Aishirii chapter 16 . 7/25/2019
Since we shared our experiences on tumblr, I'm glad you're writing about this. It's very brave of You. This is an issue that should be more known and should be more early recognized. Like Ino said, it shouldn't need to go to the point that someone is beating you up for you to be heard about abuse. I just read this thinking about the things we talked about and I hope you're safe and that you have your own support group (your Narutos and Sasukes:) ). It's okay to take a break, your readers will be here if/when you come back but your health is the most important thing. :) Thank for updating though my mind kind of wasn't reading this as a fanfiction, since this is a very real issue and horrible. But it reminded me of that there are good, loving people in my life who have helped me through this shit as well and that I'm very lucky because of that. I send you so much love and thank you :)
bookworm9217 chapter 16 . 7/24/2019
I really liked this. Thanks for writing it. I really liked how the boys reacted, would really love to see them trying to keep Kiba from running out the door to kill the guy. As always, I love the way you write them.
NonsenseVerse chapter 16 . 7/24/2019
Sorry, I couldn't see if my comment went through so I'll try to post this again. Thank you for writing this chapter. I hope it helps someone even if it’s a little who is going through the same thing. Ino is lucky to have friends around her whom she can trust, patience, and willing to help her. I think everyone needs that one ride or die friend that’s willing to go to jail for you like Naruto. Take as much time that you need and try to cut out any negativity that is not making your life positive, comfortable, fulfilling, and full of support, even if it’s hard. Sending good vibes.
Cafrye chapter 16 . 7/24/2019
This had amazing insight. Most people don't get it. Even if you report abuse or stalking early nothing can usually be done until there are bruises or worse. So sad. Love seeing Sasuke so supportive.
Guest chapter 16 . 7/23/2019
Thank you for writing this chapter. I hope it helps someone even if it’s a little who is going through the same thing. Ino is lucky to have friends around her whom she can trust, patience, and willing to help her. I think everyone needs that one ride or die friend that’s willing to go to jail for you like Naruto. Take as much time that you need and try to cut out any negativity that is not making your life positive, comfortable, fulfilling, and full of support, even if it’s hard. Sending good vibes.
cake0108 chapter 7 . 7/23/2019
Too funny! Was it Kiba?
cake0108 chapter 5 . 7/23/2019
Ahhh Naruto write him aletter!
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