Reviews for Star Trekkies II: Yel'Haltor
Guest chapter 16 . 5/21/2015
Hmmm, you were a teenager when you wrote this? Much better grammar and spelling than a lot of "adult" written material I see on here.
Very good story. Love those dragons!
Thanks for sharing. Hope you are still writing.
shellybellypie chapter 16 . 1/4/2010
star trek star wars, but I still like your story! SQUE!

Its 2010, and I am guessing that there will not be a third trekkies, so I am sad : (


ninja chapter 1 . 3/5/2007
Yo, this is ninja again! If you still want to know my age in 2011...Good if it does not scare you:

On 19th may 2011 would be my 37th birthday.

Sorry for the lousy grammatic! I prefer to read english, you know!

And now, because I like your stories this much, I have a challenge for you:

A human being meets Vulcans, before they have developed spacetravel or warpdrive, so they do not know any strange race as well...

So how can this happen, and what can happen through that special encounter?

PLEASE write about it!

AND PLEASE write me!

I understand english, even if it does not seem so.

And when I make so many mistakes, it is because:

1) I am so exited

2) my lack of experience and practice (only writing! - really!)

Yours Ninja
Ninja chapter 1 . 1/31/2007
Your story Star Treckies 1 is one of the weirdest, maddest and funniest stories on this page. It is simply one of the best!

I can not wait to read this second part!

It would be nice if you answer my rewiew, because Iam quite curious about "Alison"!

You can write letters to:

Nina Dahlbring

Maerkische Str. 11a

58239 Schwerte, Germany

Or You can just mail me... i would be very happy and thankfull!

And PLEASE keep on writing!

Yours ninja
Gatemage chapter 16 . 2/14/2006
Love it! keep up the good work!Can't wait for more!
GaleWrites chapter 16 . 11/24/2005
Damn it... now I'm hooked. I really like this, so hurry up with part three... like now...plz
K'lanna chapter 16 . 2/3/2005
*pokes it* Where is your sequel?
Dark Jedi Princess chapter 15 . 12/11/2004
M. Drama~ _
Romulan Empress chapter 13 . 2/22/2004
Awesome stories. I like the idea of a Trek/Wars/Pern crossover thingy. Keep writing. It is nice to see a fellow Vulcan with such awesome stories. : ) Live long and prosper.
Dark Jedi Princess chapter 13 . 2/17/2004
Yes, VERY happy readings~! *pokepokes you for new chapter* Gods, it's been ages since I've been here... *grumbles at ehr headmaster for banning FF.N on the school comps*
Washudamew chapter 12 . 12/25/2003
I'm going to have to chnage my emial one of these days, I'm slightly better known as 'transformon' or just 'trans' now. But I must object at the lack of me appearing! Actually, I'm just kidding. But more of me would be appreciated.
Ad G chapter 1 . 11/29/2003
Great, Allison. I liked Trekkies #1 better, but then again, this ain't finished. Besides, it's a trilogy, I'm told. Well written, and so on. You got yourself another number in the reviews count, and another name in the list of reviewers. But it's a good story, creative, enjoyable, and yet not insane. Keep it up!
2893710047 chapter 12 . 10/13/2003
Dude.. suggestion for ship:

USS Stormrider NCC-1990 Constitution-Class
Super Hurricane chapter 12 . 10/7/2003
(gags slightly) Even it takes me a hundred lifetimes, I still wouldn't get how it all happened between you two. Still, at least my prediction factor is still in effect, 65% at least accurate. ;

I'll get you the pictures, okay? Oh, and in 2011, I think I may be 26, depending on the month. After all, birthdays in June, so I'm kinda stuck between 25 and 26. Too bad about that asteroid though, heard about it in the news. Said to hit the Earth on March 14, 2014, a possible time for my high school reunion after 10 years! ;_;
Mistoffelees chapter 12 . 10/6/2003
YEAH! We are one big freak-o'-nature family! Feel the freaky. *dances* Lightsabers? That's..that's awesome. Now we can use obscure references to both Star Wars AND Star Trek! w00t! ! Mepepepepepe!
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