Reviews for Imaginary Friend
FiddletheCat chapter 2 . 2/15
This is a very interesting concept- it would be interesting to see what would happen if this continues to present day- does Tohru have power to see the dead? Will Kyoko die? If so, will she see her moms ghost? The Yuki fan club never exists. Will Yuki grow with her? I can see them growing until the day canon story starts- though, while Shigure could still hire a housekeeper, would Kyo even come into the picture? If Yuki tells her about the curse, Hatori’s power is useless. How everyone would react if they learned she could see Yuki is also there.
Miri-chan chapter 2 . 8/8/2013
Yay, another chapter! _
The line at the beginning, about Akito being the only one mourning... that line really got to me. It's so tragic that noone else cared enough to actually mourn him... *sigh*
But the rest of the chapter was bright and nice to read, especially the part where Yuki helps Tohru ut in school. And you have to love Kyoko. ;D
Beautifully written! I look forward to the next chapter! %3Pr
Mew'smeow chapter 2 . 7/23/2013
I like it.
1 Hell of a Monster chapter 2 . 7/23/2013
Oh my god please have Yuki save Mommy :( Everything would be so grand and happy if she didn't die and she was always there for Tohru throughout high school.

I greatly related to Yuki and what he was feeling, even if I didn't totally go through what he was. This was an excellent chapter, and definitely worth the wait. I can't wait for the next chapter!
AssassinedAngel chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
What a coincidence! Just today I was wondering when you'd update this story, and you did! It was beautifully written. I enjoyed every sentence from the very angsty beginning to little ghost Yuki supporting Tohru in class. I love the line in the beginning about how Akito seemed to be the only one truly mourning because no one else knew Yuki well enough. It was heartbreaking.

But of course, little Yuki and little Tohru's adorable interactions soon put a smile on my face. I love Yuki's shyness as a ghost. For some reason, it's just that much cuter when he's a ghost. And even when dead, he still finds a way to help Tohru with her school work. The whole "Honda-san" part was very precious too. Wahh. Yuki and Tohru would have been the cutest friends.

Again, I love Kyoko. She must be the best mother ever. Even so, I do like how you wove in her impending death. Very well done!
Yay! Look forward to more.
KnowledgeandImagination chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
Oh dear... Shigure's assessment at the beginning of this chapter was really sad and heartbreaking... how no one actually knew him. And I guess that was true? still really sad though...

I loved this chapter though! I really like Tohru and Yuki's interactions! they're so adorable and precious. poor Tohru... I feel so bad for her there, but at least she has Yuki? But... poor yuki... he already knows what might happen... gah, I'm guessing there's a huge chance this won't end up a happy story? I don't even know! But I'm more curious than ever to see how this will play out! Hope to see more soon!
sparklybutterfly42 chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
so heartbreaking. nobody really cared that the poor boy died. not even Aaya. he will never be able to have a beautiful relationship with his brother.
sob poor yuki! i guess since he's a ghost he can also sense death?
so sad, but thank you so much for updating this story. i've been waiting!
Floofanflur chapter 2 . 7/22/2013
...if you kill tohrus mom then I shall hunt you down and throw poisoned cookies at you! *grins innocently* update soon!
AssassinedAngel chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
I know the beginning was very sad and tragic, but the fluffy adorableness at the end has made me forget all those gloomy feelings! Kyoko and Tohru's interactions are just too cute. They must be the best mother-daughter pair out there. And throwing Yuki into the mix just overwhelms my heart with the adorableness! Kyoko is so sweet to him even though she only sees a one-sided interaction. The fluffiness is combating with my coherency. All I wonder is where you will go with this since there really can't be any romantic Yukiru. I kinda hope it ends before Tohru falls in love with a boy :c But just kinda because I think you'll make it beautiful. Regardless, I expect future chapters with so much adorable cuteness that I will explode. All this is meant in a positive light, of course.
1 Hell of a Monster chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
Oh, is this not a one-shot? I thought it was... I'm happy it isn't! I'd love to see what happens! This... Was so sad... The thought of Yuki dying so young tore me up inside... I love it. I can't wait for more!
Michelle Potter-Black chapter 1 . 4/7/2013
Oh my god! This story is so heart-warming! I love it so much! Although I almost cried at Yuki's death, I really enjoyed all those scenes were Yuki expressed his happiness for finally being with the family he wanted so much :)

I especially loved the part where Tohru promises not to forget Yuki... It's so sweet! I also love how you portray little Tohru! It's really cute!

And well, your writing style is just... so perfect for the story! I really hope you can update soon! Right now I'm wondering what will happen in the next chapters. As you can probably notice, I'm really excited!

Thanks for writing this wonderful story!
Sophialenaduchannesriddle chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
Oh my cod, that was great! That's a great start and I cant wait to see what you do with it.
Floofanflur chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
this is really good but i think kyoko should be able to see him and the sohmas also kyoko shouldnt die but this is really really REALLY good !
KusajishiFukutaicho chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
Poor Yun-Yun! :'( To die like that, no one even caring about him and everything. I do hope that eventually he turned back to human? I mean, I hope that he was buried as a human. Oh gosh. *sobs* This just makes me sad. And Ayame, please let us have a scene where he realises just how much he has missed out and what he will never have. Maybe he would be able to see Yuki's spirit too?

Actually I wish that Yuki wasn't actually dead, that he was only very ill, maybe in a coma or something. I mean, to die in such a...way that makes his entire existence seem so insignificant hurts. Gosh. :(

Hah. You've gone and made me all depressed. (Now I need to start filling up all those angst requests or something) Update soon? *hopeful*
inactiveaccount85 chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
I really loved this story! It was both heart breaking and warming all at the same time. I especially liked the pinky promise between Tohru and Yuki. *wipes a tear* I remember you saying something about wanting to try this concept, I think! I am glad to see a new story, and might I say I have missed you a bit! Can't wait for the update! :)
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