Reviews for Turning of the Year
cortanacordeliacarstairs chapter 1 . 10/18/2019
This story is poignantly beautiful... One of the best fanfictions I've read... Please write more and if possible, can you give me tips on how to improve my writing as well?
Tessa Memory chapter 1 . 5/10/2016
That was the most wonderful story that I have ever read.I was truly moved by the affection between Will and Jem,even death could not seperate them apart,though I cried at the part where Jem went and visited Will after death,to give himself courage. They will always be together in my heart!
wish we could delete accounts chapter 1 . 1/18/2016
This was heartwrenchingly beautiful.
ThatHydrokinetic chapter 1 . 6/19/2015
Oh my gosh I'm going to cry
SupremeMasterOverlordKhurro chapter 1 . 6/8/2015
My eyes are tearing and I don't like it. Why. Why must you take the feels and twist them so much with this horribly beautiful story?
fangirl00114 chapter 1 . 12/18/2014
that was amazing! I am seriously in tears
Marie E. Brooke chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
*sobs* THE FEELS! *sobs again*

This story probably deserves so much more than I'm giving it right now, but no matter. There were a bunch of grammar mistakes scattered throughout the piece (waging, not wagging) but that was nothing, NOTHING compared to the awesomeness of this.

I'm dying.
Write more!

By my seraphic pen,
Marie E. Brooke
Akamarackus chapter 1 . 11/4/2014
Aah beautiful. Go in peace, brother. So beautiful.
elan0rjoy chapter 1 . 8/27/2014
Such loveliness. I adore everything about this story-it's a perfect mix of humor and heartstrings. Thanks for sharing it!
Heronstairessa chapter 1 . 8/17/2014
WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! HERE I AM SOBBING UNCONTROLLABLY AT 1:00 A.M DUE TO THIS! P.s: It was god awesome fic though. Kudos!
Orion The Hunted chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
This was hilarious at times, but this last one was just plain old out depressing! Lovely work, though!
PurpleTea88 chapter 1 . 7/11/2014
I legit cried during this, it was that beautiful. This story just perfectly captures the relationship between Will and Jem and I love it so much!
PJoHoOFan chapter 1 . 6/13/2014
I cried while reading this. I know what you must be thing, 'what's the point why is this reviewer telling me this pointless piece of information?' Well, the point is, that I don't cry. The last time I cried about Infernal Devices, was while reading Clockwork Princess, and by the Angle, that was a while ago. I also want to say, this story is amazing (of course it was, I cried), it's brilliant and I think it's perfect. Nothing can even begin to compare with this fic. This is Pure perfection and you need to continue writing, whether it be in this fandom or in others.
BringMeToTheShadows chapter 1 . 3/6/2014
At first I thought this was quite hilarious. Then it became sort of heartbreaking and eventually, a tear jerker. Favorited because feels. :'[
hap-pily chapter 1 . 1/20/2014
This is probably my favorite TID FF of all time. You capture the beauty of true friendship so beautifully. I'm in tears. So wonderful.
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