Reviews for The Pleasant-Cain Cases
MasterQwertster chapter 2 . 2/28/2019
Poor little Val, all those sheep guts.
Though lol for Skulduggery teaching her that violence makes things better.
bubblemoon66 chapter 5 . 6/24/2018
I recently rediscovered this fic, and oh my god, I love it so much! You're a brilliant writer. You've got the perfect combination of humor and excitement. And I still love the format as much as the first time I read these.
Caitlin.95 chapter 5 . 5/14/2014
This was really fun to read and I hope you haven't completely abandoned it :)
And I'm hoping for maybe some Valduggery, you know, when she's older or something :P
sweet.BitterKH chapter 1 . 2/15/2014
My, these are awesome. Do write more, please!
thetruthfairie chapter 5 . 8/14/2013
These stories are really good and enjoyable! please keep writing:)
graaaahhhcaveman chapter 5 . 7/11/2013
Oh my gosh. Words do not express how amazing these cases are. These are fantastic.
Louisiana Stephenic chapter 5 . 6/26/2013
:D hehehe loved it! Update again soon :P
NightcatMau chapter 5 . 6/25/2013
That was simply lovely!
TheAccountThatWouldNotDie chapter 5 . 6/23/2013
Ok, I'm going to start all of this off by saying that you, my dear, astound me with your brilliance. You are a wonderful writer, you keep everyone perfectly in character, and this whole chapter had me biting my nails with my heart pounding like mad as if it was a piece written by the Golden God himself!

There were so many parts of this chapter that I absolutely adored, but my absolute favorite bit was Darquesse. I literally squealed when she showed up! My gosh, it's almost pathetic how much I love Darquesse, and that being said, I'm giving you a virtual hug for the way you portrayed her. In every single, stupid fanfic I've ever read that has even vaguely dealt with Darquesse, the author always portrays her like the lovechild of Cruella Deville and Voldemort (SO sorry to put that image in your head), in other words, a stereotypical bad guy with a sly smile, power-hungry, and easily manipulated by the hero. It's like that fandom forgets that Darquesse IS still Valkyrie. Just at the extremes. And Valkyrie is none of those things, so neither should Darquesse be. So kudos for a job well done. :)

And some of my favorite parts:

"He glanced around the room and seemed to deflate.

Valkyrie wasn't around to hear his awesome hypothesis.

Skulduggery made the sound of clicking his tongue and let the fur float to the ground. Seriously, what was the point of having a student if it wasn't around at all times to listen to the amazing things he often deduced?" -I just love how he calls her an "it". Made me chortle.

Valkyrie destroying the Eiffel Tower is just too classic for words.

The bit about Mr. Tumnus made me smile.

That WHOLE ENTIRE SCENE about twirling hugs satisfied this Valduggery fan for a week XD

And that ending. Oh, that ending. He deserved that hat stand ;)

Ok, this is probably officially the longest review I've ever written. You should feel special.

P.S. I noticed you have the story under "complete", but you keep adding to it? You might get more followers if they thought the story wasn't done yet...
deruy chapter 5 . 6/23/2013
i loved it!
Justrockzyxxx chapter 5 . 6/22/2013
That was so good!
TheLonesomeMonster chapter 5 . 6/22/2013
YAY! Happy endings for all! Now, next one please? *puppy eyes*
mooray chapter 4 . 5/27/2013
Please please please update I need to know what happens! Now!
I love all of your stories, particularly this one, as they remind me so much of DL's style of writing!
Yay you and PLEASE update soon!
NightcatMau chapter 4 . 5/26/2013
Loved it!
Collaborative Lady chapter 4 . 5/26/2013
Ha. I love how Valkyrie started spewing condensed previously unmentioned history when she worked out what was going on. You name dropper you.
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