Reviews for Fatigué
Guest chapter 1 . 9/19/2016
Beautiful. I like how you write Prussia and French conversation. I like how Prussia sacrifice himself for Luddy. This is really great! You break me apart. I'm literally crying right now. Good job!

Master of the Hellish Yard chapter 1 . 5/24/2013
Dear Say-theLastWord

That was glorious. Beautiful, beautiful job. I like your spin on this; how Prussia was the one that requested it of France. Most people try to make France out to be the bad guy, the one that pushed for his friend's demise, but I've always felt that to be incorrect.
And Prussia sacrificing himself for his brother is so much more believable.
I love how you've tied the lines of 'France is celebrating, and France is tired' throughout. Especially with the title. The emotion in this piece is conveyed very well, and all in all this is gorgeous. Light yet dark, in an aftermath through the mind of one who's been through too much not to be so naïve.

Master of the Hellish Yard
lynne-monstr chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
This completely broke my heart! Everyone’s emotions rang out so clearly, and seeing it through the filter of France’s own conflicting feelings made it all the more poignant. What a wonderful, beautiful piece!
Queen Umbugartus chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Oh my god. This is beautiful.
Blackcat chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
fokker333 chapter 1 . 4/5/2013
You did it. You ACTUALLY did it. Dammit.
Finnland93 chapter 1 . 4/4/2013
I love this so much! It's absolutely beautiful and tragic! Seeing the friendship between these two, being ripped away by war... Oh gosh! I'm so sad now but I still love it! And it's written so well!
Thank you for writing this!
XxXMika-ChanXxX chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
This is so good, and so sad at the same time. It is beautifully written, example last sentence "France is celebrating, and France is tired." drives the nail home that while the nation's people are partying the personification is tired from the events that unfolded. You clearly showed how the nations are people too and how painful it truly is. This is something that I could read over and over again and never get tired of it.
0ZSFQCBP40 chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
Ok, holy crap this is amazing!

The words, the tone, the dialogue, it is all truly brilliant. I have never been this enthralled with a Hetalia fanfic, seriously. The way you express the war and portray the countries, it is both beautiful and heartbreaking.

You are an awesome writer.

-Alice :)
VampireNaomi chapter 1 . 4/3/2013
This is one of the best and most touching post-WWII death fics about Prussia. I loved the emotions and how you showed how nations feel and think somewhat differently from people but can still have such strong human emotions. The ending was just heart-breakingly beautiful.