Reviews for Burning Bridges
rainingpeanuts chapter 8 . 7/19/2017
Hello! I've been doing a nostalgic trip by rereading all of my old faves and alerts and I have to say this is not one of those cringy ones that I used to like when I was younger! I really enjoyed rereading this especially since compared to most fics in the KHR fandom it has better characterization, pacing, and writing! I think that is because the fandom is most likely composed of prepubescent teens or really just younger people (as I used to be!) and most of the older ones probably moved on or something (as I sorta did). KHR holds a special place in my heart even after rereading it recently and finding a lot of things that i disagree with (its actually pretty sexist).

Going back, I really appreciate your fic. It is well written and it is hella rare to find a somewhat slow burn fic here! Especially one that is almost faithful to canon and characterizations. Hibari is always OOC (cant help it, he has such an underdeveloped character in the manga), so it is very rare that he is characterized the way you did which is like taking the bare characteristics that Amano drew and just expanding it its like (im sorry i cant word it properly!) you developed his character but it is still the Hibari we know from the manga. My god, also Mukuro and Tsuna! I am just in love with how you wrote hem in this fic!

The plot is nothing new but the way you wrote it is so nice and (i appreciate the other writers in this fandom but) you are totally in another level.

I got sad when I read your latest author's note, but it is understandable. It's why I hope some day we get a KHR anime reboot! (With most of the old VAs tho hehe) it would revive the fandom and hopefully bring in new ones! Keep writing, you are really good at it! This fic would certainly be one of those things I come back to when I suddenly miss KHR. I also hope that you get more readers cause I wish to see this finished someday (but at your own pace and will and no pressure and really only as long as if you will enjoy writing it!)

Sorry for the long review! But, I've been going around reviewing old fics that are really great and I want to give proper reviews now hehe. Have a nice day and thank you :)
SapphireYaoiCollector chapter 8 . 1/10/2017
Hi. I really loved this story, and am sad to see/read that it will not have a more... well. ending. ;0.o as a fellow KHR writer I do get the feeling of not having your work read. Anyway, maybe one day you might get inspired again. I can hope. :)
OnceABlueMoon chapter 8 . 12/29/2016
It's a shame you decided to stop writing, but I definitely liked the way you wrapped it up! It gave that feeling of closure! I liked this story!
Chiyozora-Mazura chapter 8 . 11/22/2016
I am sad that this won't be finished (just like many other KHR stories) but I understand. I took an one year break from KHR fandom and just got back.
You don't have to force yourself to write something you don't want to anymore. Even if it makes us feel sad and disappointed we understand.
Shiro-chan1827 chapter 8 . 11/21/2016
as always, I hate dino when he become third wheel between hibatsuna. aaaarrrrgghhhh, i still feel so irritated. bcuz hibari is man of instinct, and dino's similarity with tsuna, its understandable he more than tolerate dino. and he's his mentor. thats why it's so irritating and awaken my violent side. i don't hate dino personally, just hate him when he's in the way. my view of dino is quite contradictory. if he's supporting hibatsuna or overprotective of tsuna, i absolutely adore him. but when he have affair with hibari, i absolutely hate him. he's the biggest threat ever for hibatsuna, even mukuro is not that big of worry for me. if its dino, tsuna would hesitate bcuz he's big bro figure, while hibari would hesitate bcuz he listen and respect dino, and even if its not love at least their affair will make hibari a little fond of him. since hibari like this, then tsuna is the one who need to make bigger step and it always end up hurting him more than necessary. simply bcuz of dino's bond with these two it makes all effort full of struggle already. and this story is not much of heartache compared to keatongrin's, but i still feel so irritated. whenever i read keatongrin's hibatsuna i almost want to bashing somebody's head. i always hope someone just to kill dino or at least JUST CUT TIE WITH THOSE TWO YOU- YOU- GAAAAAHHHHoh well. now finally we know giotto and tsuna's relationship. omg, reborn you're so awful. Though i still confused why giotto can't be with tsuna, the real reason reborn told them to break up. and is tsuna permitted to have relationship with his guardian? how about hibari and dino? even though dino is vongola's ally, he's from different family after all, and hibari is vongola's strongest guardian, and guardians is the closest to the boss, especially cloud have some special type of bond. it's so worrisome if guardian have relationship with other family, furthermore its the aloof one. i doubt reborn didn't know about it, but i'm curious why he just let it. it was as bad as giotto and tsuna if not worse, no, definitely worse. and hibari want to reach tsuna when he still didn't end up his affair with dino yet. that, that was sad for tsuna, and tsuna knew it. hibari, you really need to man up and learn more range emotions, and try to let go. he can't have tsuna and dino at the same time. hibari only give both of the sky a false hope then. ugh, so cruel.
too bad that you won't write more khr, but i understand. its not like we'll forget khr with these new fandoms. many mafia-ish manga being published but none beat khr, ever XD
i hope you finally relieved with your closure. thank you for your hard work all this time writing khr, i really enjoy them. ganbare for your next stories~
Korazan chapter 8 . 11/20/2016
Hey there!
Wow, so interesting! I read this maybe a month or so ago, pity I forgot a lot of the setting. This chapter made me remember and now I want to read it all over again. Nice writing style, smooth and enjoyable. Wow, it wrote itself? You're something else xD good work!
See ya! ~Korazan
kenma kat chapter 7 . 4/10/2016
im yelling bc this is basically reborn's way of doing the "locked in a closet by friends and forced to get together" trope ? but aaa this is so amazing the characters are v in character (which must be a bit harder to do since they're older) and hibari's jealousy is so cute i cry ;;
hope everything went well for your college apps!
ItStartsWithZ chapter 7 . 3/29/2016
At first, i was quite confused as to why Giotto was here, but thank you for giving me a glimpse of who he is on your fic!
ItStartsWithZ chapter 5 . 3/29/2016
You really have a gift! I hope you'll update soon! :)
ItStartsWithZ chapter 6 . 3/29/2016
I love how you portray Kyouya. Quite accurate :)
ItStartsWithZ chapter 1 . 3/29/2016
I love your first chap! Very interesting :)
Guest chapter 7 . 3/16/2016
Please...please... please... update...!
Miki Elaine chapter 7 . 2/24/2016
I really enjoy this story. It's a refreshing take on both 1827 and stories in general which excites me.

I haven't been on the 1827 archives since KHR ended a few years ago, only coming on every now and then whenever old stories would randomly update. But I'm glad, at this very moment in time, I was able to stumble upon this!

I enjoy not knowing everything up front. It keeps me engaged and guessing and excited for what's to come.

So, I'm really curious to know what truly happened to Tsuna and Giotto. Just knowing that Tsuna, in a way, is practically /broken/ weirdly excites me? Oh my god, that sounds terrible. I can't wait for 1827 to actually blossom and all. And the fact that Tsuna believes that Kyouya and Dino are lovers and that Kyouya is denying something between them - aaaaaah.

I hope college apps went well for you and I hope you get into your college of dreams!

Can't wait for the next update :)
Ern Estine 13624 chapter 7 . 2/24/2016
Getting mega amazing good can't wait for more
HibarixTsunaxlover chapter 7 . 2/23/2016
that tension between hibari and tsuna absolutely exciting
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