Reviews for The Drunk and The Jealous
Prissycatice chapter 1 . 10/18/2016
ooohhh i love jealous zoro!
he is so sexy when he got jealous!
but i still mad at him! how dare he say cruel words to our precious cook?! and he didn't even say sorry!
huh! bad zoro

i like it, nice
Fedski chapter 1 . 7/24/2016
Ok your writing style is good. However you need to finish what you start. This whole piece reels us in with the problem you've set up aka 'Sanji feels that no one would care about him if he died.' This issue isn't resolved and so the fic seems unfinished.
Also, Zoro taking advantage of a drunk Sanji - knowing- he was drunk is just not ok. The second half of the fic seemed as if to say sex would solve all their problems. In fact Zoro's countenance and line at the end makes it seem as he he cares little for Sanji's emotions and rather seems as if this 'relationship' is a game to him.
Diction-sama chapter 1 . 7/5/2013
I fully agree with Glaistig, their relationship seemed like an abusive one, and one Sanji wouldn't stand for. So, in order to remedy this; please, please, please, write a sequel!

Tell us about Sanji's emotions! When Zoro tells him that he wouldn't care if Sanji died, and the other nakama almost saying the same, shit's gotta go down! So please write a follow up were the shit comes down! Especially on Zoro, cause he's an asshole for saying that, and Sanji needs to get that message through his thick marimo skull.

Personally, I would only let Sanji forgive Zoro for his extreme rudeness, only if the Marimo laid out some long, heartfelt apology. Not with sex by the way! Make their relationship mean something! Otherwise it's just an abusive relationship that's hurting our cook. So, please fix the emotional pain Sanji's in, and explain this chapter, where Zoro pretty much rapes Sanji (the only difference is that Sanji seemed to drunkenly enjoy the rape- which I don't believe would happen if he were sober).

So please write a sequel! Your writing is very good, and I would love to see the emotional development of the characters a little more fleshed out.
SpadesToStars chapter 1 . 5/27/2013
Another job well done HAHAHAHAHAHA 3 I love this
Glaistig chapter 1 . 4/19/2013
To be honest, I didn't care for this. That's not to say the writing is bad, it's actually rather good. The pace and the description are well done. My problem is with these particular lines, "Sanji was still obviously beyond drunk, which translated to him, Zoro, being allowed to do whatever the hell he wanted to do to the cook. In his current state, the chef couldn't protest, at least not coherently. Zoro could always pretend he hadn't heard or understood him." I don't think you were trying to write about an abusive relationship, but that's sort of how it came across.
ArtisticMind3 chapter 1 . 4/15/2013
I found this extremely cute for some reason. XD Hats off to you, An awesome job in writing this :)
BlackRoseVixen05 chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Haha, cute fic! I spotted a few grammer errors, but nothing much to complain about. I would have liked, though, to have seen Zoro and Sanji officially "make up" after their fight. Still a nice fic, though. I enjoyed it _