Reviews for The Path Before Him
Guest chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
Wonderful and Sad
Guest chapter 1 . 3/18/2015
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Okami No Yume chapter 1 . 12/15/2014 I agree with the reviewer saying that you disservice yourself by saying you have betters, because it does not get better than this. I would give my eyeteeth to write as gracefully as this. Your prose is beautiful, your use of language haunting and your description of emotions was just...flawless. I could FEEL the anguish of both the characters. And just...the angst. I mean, I could picture it all so clearly in my head. Jorah's such a delightfully tragic character. I both love and hate the Dany/Jorah pairing, because UGH. I mean, I adore the idea of them being together but I know they're forever separated by circumstances and are basically star crossed and it's like something straight out of a sad love ballad that Sansa loves so much. They can never, ever be together because Dany is forever out of his reach and it's just so damn heartbreaking. This pairing gives me so many conflicted feels.

I apologize if this review is fumbling and clumsy, but it's hard to describe a work of such sheer gorgeousness.
Toki chapter 1 . 8/21/2013
I just revisited this from my favourites and oh my gosh it still gives me chills. It's perfection. I really cannot fathom why this isn't getting the attention it deserves review-wise because its utterly gorgeous. Everything fits and flows wonderfully right up to the bittersweet conclusion. I'm sure this isn't the first time I will be back to re read. I'm so happy you wrote this.
Anonymous chapter 1 . 6/13/2013
A one shot "for now" - now I've just got this inextinguishable spark of hope that inspiration will strike and you'll continue to write, if not this exact story, then another one about Dany and Jorah. I loved this fic and I love how you write. It would be such a treat to see more from you. But I won't be greedy; thank you for writing this much at least. It was divine. x
tokiosa chapter 1 . 6/10/2013
You really do yourself injustice in your author's note to speak of 'betters'. Your writing is absolutely phenomenal. I loved this story, I am rather miserly when it comes to adding to my list of favourites but this definitely deserves a place there. I really do think this was flawless, so bittersweet. The final sentence is so powerful. I heartily encourage you to continue to write. Thanks so much for this story.
JoanieNobody chapter 1 . 4/14/2013
Man, that was sad. It was beautifully written, but it bummed the hell out of me. I tend to get really emotionally invested in characters, which is probably why I can only write happy endings myself. :-)
driver picks the music chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
This was sad, but also seemed to be kind of fitting. I have wondered myself, when that bit of information will come into play.
MorganaSavedAlbion chapter 1 . 4/10/2013
This oneshot was tragic, hell, I didn't expect to be so sad! xD I like it very much. It's good to see more Jorah or Dany/Jorah here, thank you.