Reviews for Quiet
Guest chapter 2 . 5/24
The gentle hand jester was well played.
portraitofafemale chapter 6 . 5/12
omfg *pants*
portraitofafemale chapter 5 . 5/12
oooh the banter, oooh the tension. I’m having more fun than I should, probably
portraitofafemale chapter 2 . 5/12
omg I so so love this, the idea is really good and the insight in both Hermiones and Minervas minds are very realistic and gentle all the same... I swear, we have exactly the same writing style and I LOVE IT.
McMargaret chapter 14 . 3/21
I reread this story over the years and I am still hoping you continue. I know it sound ridiculous given the time gone by but still. I think it’s a wonderful deep story and your characters deserve a happy ending. Sending you all my love xx
Mrs. Olivia Serena Stabler chapter 14 . 1/31
I have just reread this story for the umpteenth time and I have to say that I absolutely love it still. The dynamic push and pull between Minerva and Hermione is so good and captures the way I always imagine they would be canonly. I’m hoping seeing a review on this story after all of this time will make you smile. I’m hoping you will one day return to this story and finish it, but I understand how life can get in the way. Wish all is well with you!
Lib McGranger chapter 14 . 11/10/2019
Cannot wait for you to pick this back up again!
rboldreghini chapter 14 . 7/14/2018
This is such a great story! I really hope you finish it some day.
Kathrynaryann chapter 14 . 8/30/2017
awww... please continue.
Deanlu chapter 14 . 6/10/2016
Continue to hope for more.
HGMMFan chapter 14 . 12/22/2015
Still hopefully waiting for this to be completed. It's awesome!
Neneja chapter 14 . 11/7/2015
Hard but beautiful story... Very good, sincerely
pambob343 chapter 14 . 10/5/2015
Just found this story... Great read! Please find the inspiration to finish!
Texaschic1 chapter 14 . 11/29/2014
Hello. Great story and I do hope you get a chance to update it soon. Interesting twist of using Hazel to return Ron instead of the flashlight. I do hope that this doesn't end badly for Hazel as I love her character.
riskeybusiness chapter 14 . 11/23/2014
Loving it so far and super excited for more!
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