Reviews for You're Nosy But You're Family
Ryane-Foxx chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
That was ridiculously yet sweet and loving at the same time
anneryn7 chapter 1 . 4/9/2014
Totally almost cried during this.
Canceled4Good chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
this verse is one of the most perfect things I have ever read in my entire lie...I have loved every single on of the stories so far and I pray to everything that you have no plans in stopping any time soon...I would also love to see you write a chapter-ed story...maybe something with a semi slow write this series so perfectly that I just wish I could read more different types of Sterek things from you...I would honestly love to read a chapter-ed story...hope you think about it...can't wait to read the next installment of this series!
any-otp-will-do chapter 1 . 4/16/2013
I love you. So much. Jesus Christ, I love you.
VooDoo Doll13 chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
I just love your writing and I'm so glad you updated the series, totally made my day! I saw something on Facebook that I thought was hilarious and I couldn't help but think of this story & how to Stiles would also think it was hilarious and I thought that perhaps in one of the future addition to the series, Stiles could possibly randomly get on the subject of if the ever got married.

This is what I saw on facebook:

Do you take me to be your lawfully fuckable sexmate, to suck & to fuck in various positions on various surfaces & against walls in public or in private til orgasms do us part?

And I couldn't help but think what if Stiles tried to insist that they use this as part of their vows to each other in wedding (hypothetical our real)? And what Derek's reaction would be.