Reviews for あなたと私の人生 (My Life With You)
THiaLieN chapter 22 . 6/10/2019
Looking for Kurofai stories, one by one, and found this. I was almost discouraged from reading, because the comments seems plain compliments and there were few critics here and there. So I took a little peek, forwarding to 2nd chapter to test the water. And here I am at 1 AM in the morning. Forgot to sleep. It was good, and I can't find anything wrong. The pace was right (it was fast, but consistent from the beginning to the end). The journey is well written, clear but not too detailed. Great for a relaxing reading material. The angst and fluff are there but never overwhelming. Lastly, the ending is perfect for this story in my opinion, and I understand it perfectly. Thanks for writing and sharing this.
Sir Real chapter 19 . 1/18/2018
I'm so close to crying, my throat is positively tight- this was wonderful and so bittersweet, thank you thank you
deleted1234567895555 chapter 21 . 12/5/2017
This is...beautiful. my aching heart.
I love the relationship between Fai and Kurogane, and how you had Kurogane not liking Fai in the beginning. The AU was very well written!
mifodus chapter 22 . 2/22/2015
i'm happy that you made their relationship much...healthier. i mean, there's not as much self-hate going on in your story.
holic237 chapter 22 . 11/9/2014
Haha I just spent the last four chapters straight weeping over this. If I'd know what I was in for I admit I probably wouldn't have read it. But it really was wonderful, I just avoid sad endings like the plague since life is sad enough as it is. Most people would have written to them getting married and living happily ever after, leaving out the inevitable that they would die eventually, but you pushed all the way and showed us something we rarely get to see, which is admirable. It was beautiful, their love and just getting to see them happily grow old, and the last scene before Fai died where he was lucid and obviously knew it was the end. And they are together again, and always will find each other, so I guess it's alright in the end even though I'm crying again writing this! I am lame haha. Anyway having the ability to evoke this kind of emotion in people is a testament to your strength as a writer. Well done.
NorseGodAlpha chapter 22 . 9/18/2014
OMG I cant believe ... Fay is dead ! TOT why ? .. Im so sad ...
Black Kaitou chapter 22 . 8/20/2014
This was really good, I had to stop and compose myself when Fai died. You had real emotion in this and you did a fantastic job. My dad told me once that if an author gets you to weep or rejoice with the characters they did their job and you accomblished that.
aasha.christ chapter 22 . 1/3/2014
Dammmm...such a touching story it ...just loved it...such a way to put love...dam...just love u yaar for such sentiments luv...thanks for sharing...keep it up ...please keep writing such stories you...
alguien22792 chapter 21 . 11/3/2013
Well, shit I'm almost in tears. I looooooooove the ending. Exactly like the beginning, Kurogane hating Fai, but we all know how that ends right? It has been so long since I read a Kurofai fic so I'm really happy I run into your story. Awesome Job :D
alguien22792 chapter 19 . 11/3/2013
Oh my god, just what the hell? :(
alguien22792 chapter 8 . 11/3/2013
ajkdlfjlskajfkjaslfajsfda these two idiots jkfjlsajdfkasjflaaf !
alguien22792 chapter 1 . 11/3/2013
Oh I love this! Kurogane is such a bully, but I guess it's normal for a kid his age act that way...
Mashiara91 chapter 22 . 10/23/2013
I just finished reading all of this and I'm impressed! Really great job on the overall tone, it was very domestic and cute, mostly fluffy though. Your portrayal of their romance and how it develops with time, through various life events and through them simply growing was very well done! Your dialog is specifically a strong suite, so kudos on that!

Now, you spent a lot of time on the every day bits and pieces of their life (which is great!), but when it came time to the major conflicts those were done in like a page... way too quick. It doesn't do Ashura justice, and especially Fai's twin (real Fai). He cries about it, sure, but I didn't feel it. Maybe you rushed those parts a bit. Then again, I get that you wanted a calmer more relaxed feeling to this story, which I really do appreciate.

A lot of the parts can almost feel like post-series TRC which I've always wanted to read, so I'm glad I found this. Read it all in one go actually, and it's been so long since I came across a good multi-chapter fic. So again, thank you!

One other thing (and I'm sorry but I really do mean this as constructive) ... I think Fai was a little too girly in this. He's a fierce warrior in his own right, I would have expected him to march off with Kuro to fight off a particularly nasty demon. I get that he has prayers to do, but still... something really bugged me about Fai just being a home all the time. Then again, it is in line with the culture, and it's perfect for mirroring Kuro's mommy (which is adorable) it was just maybe a bit too much...?

Like I was so excited when they were play fighting as kids, but then that ended so quickly and it never happened again. Why in the world did he learn attack magic if he wasn't going to use it (other than to harass Kuro, which I have to say is perfect reason and that scene was great!) Not even Ashura gets a full blast.

Overall I really loved the kid parts in the beginning, they were so CUUUTE! And very much in-character. You really dealt with that very well, the bullying, the reconciliation, so again thank you! AND THE ENDING (I almost forgot) That was PERFECT, so Clamp and just so perfect, the parallel was really really great. Idiot Kuro always hating adorable Fai! Made me feel much happier (especially after nearly crying at the end of 19)

Now, I'm off to bed, and then maybe I'll read more of your stuff tomorrow (while I'm at work, you know, pretending to work :P ) So Thanks again!
natsuki23 chapter 22 . 9/14/2013
I love this story! So warm and heart wrenching!
Guest8 chapter 21 . 9/4/2013
I really enjoyed the story, and I loved the fact that it repeats itself and those two got together again. Looking forward for your next one. Do not keep us waiting for long.
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