Reviews for The Curse of the Feds
heiots chapter 1 . 2/1/2016
I don't know if I like this. Probably because I dislike conflict, and it hurts to see these two colliding like that. I did want to see them thrash things out, but I never imagined it'd be this...vitriolic?

Brilliant writing as usual. It was a kick in the guts, which I hope was the intent of this piece. (:

(Read the note at the end where you said the relationship would always be fractured and unsalvageable. There's a part of me yelling "NO" into the endless void.)
lkuecrar chapter 1 . 12/14/2015
It's nice to see someone admit that Jenny wasn't a saint. She was out of control at some points during the show and absolutely let the power go to her head. I wish a scene like this had happened in the show because no one ever really gave her any grief over the way she used everyone around her to get to where she got.

I loved her character because she was so complex, although Judgment Day Pt. II was pretty rough especially since she admitted to still loving Gibbs and then got shot down probably less than an hour later. The way that Ziva left the show was just like that: she pretty much told Tony she loved him and then they went their separate ways, although at least Ziva's still alive somewhere.
Jenny 2.0 chapter 1 . 1/3/2015
If you heard a loud crack, that was my heart.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/19/2014
Dark and raw and beautifully written, the most realistic version of the 'fight' I've read so far. I really enjoyed it, thank you!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/1/2013
I absoultely love this! Even though this is almost literally like the fiftith time I've read it, it never gets old! So many times when someone writes about 'the fight' they always blame it all on Gibbs; for not coming after her, for going to Mexico. But this was like the perfect balance of blame on them both!
nimfka chapter 1 . 10/19/2013
Omg, it's so emotional and sad... but so perfectly written at the same time :)
Loverofallthingsmusic chapter 1 . 7/20/2013
Oh wow! Talk about emotional...I'm still reeling from what I read. Great job! :)
Neelie2009 chapter 1 . 7/4/2013
This fight was awesome and saw raw and true. Can I ask a favor? Can you add a chapter and have them make up?! I just finished rewatching season 3 and 4 on DVD and it makes me so sad how angry their relationship gets. You can only feel that kind of anger if you feel that kind of love. Can you heal them? Your writing is wonderful, I think you can do it!
Guest chapter 1 . 6/7/2013
really good.
missmerrymak chapter 1 . 5/26/2013
That... was amazing. Words cannot describe how perfect that scene was. It put all their flaws, emotions and evident problems out on the table! I loved it up until the very end. I know some stories are better as tragedies and i like the story how it is but i think that it would have ended better if there was a light at the end of the tunnel and not condemn their fate to "an inevitable tragedy". Just my opinion.
iwannagibbs chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
Really powerful and well written as usual. I could hear them shouting at each other! Thanks for sharing.
luhhhavafvd chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Damn just damn I normally never curse in reviews but Jesus Christ this was the closure that they needed they're some of the most beautiful broken characters that I've ever seen his family her father oh my God this... I just can't- can't .. omg never mind thank you so much Alexandra this was life
paris.and.always chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
I hate you.
You weren't kidding when you said this might be the angstiest thing you've ever written.
I didn't think it was possible to fit all that in a oneshot but, congrats, you did it!
Now I'll just wallow in the dark, all alone, and think about the emotional shit show that my OTP is.
givemekevinbacon chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
wow are you trying to kill me i mean /jesus/

i feel like i just got hit by the angst train (in a good way) and i'm trying to figure out what was the worst (aka best) part? Probably when Jenny was all "Paris meant everything to me" because wow tears and heartbreak and i just?

although it could be the very end, with the whole "inevitable tragedy" thing idk man idk

ugh yOU
Allisone chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
Oh I think I really need this story!Explain a lot of questions in my head. There's a lot of between Jenny and Jethro, doubts, hate, memories, love maybe.…Maybe Mark and Lauren have good chemistry, So I'm a Jibbs shipper. But in the show, Jibbs will never gonna happen. Just like your story,Jenny did somethings that Gibbs will never forgive her, Tony, Frog…And I think Abby don't like her.They are not the father and mother of the team. So when Jenny died, I cried, hearbreak! Just like Tony said she has nobody. She is lonely. And I feel angry! Jenny just vanished. Kate、 Frank They all have whole story. Just Jenny ,never mention so sad!
Thank you so much write this story
I am a Chinese my English… not so good
Forgive me!
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