Reviews for Meal of the day
Prissycatice chapter 1 . 9/9/2013
aahhh zoro being pervy like always
nice one
alfamky chapter 1 . 7/14/2013
a bit of awkward grammar at first, but as I went through the fic, I found the whole setting quite kinky! You could totally expand on this. Nice job!
Diction-sama chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Ok, this wasn't bad. It was short and sweet. And I don't want to give you the wrong impression of my review- because I enjoyed it.

That being said, the first thing I want to mention (though I see it has already been mentioned, but a little reinforcement can't hurt) are the small grammar errors. I believe you are a good writer, and know not to make these mistakes; and you prove that when you use the correct grammar in some parts, while the grammar falls flat in others. So, as a previous reviewer has already stated; read over your work carefully before submitting. Even if the rest of the story is perfect, small errors can kill the reading experience. That's why a thorough proof read, and occasionally a good beta, are crucial to the overall quality of a story.

And the second comment (a little more lighthearted) is that syrup would make the absolute worst lube! Although I have never tried it, I can only imagine how much of a pain that would be to have in your ass *shiver*. And not to mention how it defeats the purpose of lube all together! Lube is suppose to be slick, not sticky! Have you ever heard the expression, "Slow as molasses?" Molasses is a sugar-syrup, which is very thick. I don't know what kind of syrup you had in mind, but when they tasted it, it sounded simmilar. Meaning; Zoro's gonna get stuck if he uses it as lube.

I just found that funny. And kinda gross. Oh well. Sanji can kill Zoro later for putting syrup up his ass.

Nice story though, keep writing please!
Destiny Aitsuji chapter 1 . 5/1/2013
Good job! ;)
RedSnow4 chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
Totally amazing!
You should make a sequel. I look forward to future updates, mmmmmmm, I love the sound of more ZoSan:)
lo chapter 1 . 4/17/2013
That was fun, it was raw and sexy, just how I like this paring to be. Good job.
ringtailedpheonix chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
As I was reading this I kept noticing all of the simplest mistakes you have made. By simplest I mean on the simplest word/sentence you have used the wrong thing. You also change between past tense and present tense which is a common mistake (I still sometimes accidentally do it) but it can easily be fixed by checking over your work. So that is the end of my review! :)
ArtisticMind3 chapter 1 . 4/18/2013
Argh! Mental nose-bleed alert! ;; This was awesome!