Reviews for Harry Potter and the Prophecy of the Phoenix
kryptonianhallows chapter 23 . 6/4
Excuse me but um, where tf is the sequel
Matt chapter 7 . 2/28
"Where is Mom?"
Since when is Harry no longer British? I don't care what nationality the author is, everyone knows that in Britain mothers are Mum. Always. Any writer who can't get that right is not worth reading.
Matt chapter 3 . 2/28
gray peeking through, not peaking. One of the words people get wrong the most is confusing peek, peak and pique. They sound the same but all have different meanings.
sweet-chaos-chan chapter 23 . 10/5/2019
I would love the Sequel
Tis Story was amazing
Lots of Love )
Vanadir chapter 23 . 7/14/2019
Thank you for a great story
blindmage123 chapter 1 . 7/4/2019
no, keep going!, probs you allready did but what the hell, hope it helps, grate story.
TsukuyoGintoki chapter 1 . 1/30/2019
You did an excellent job. I wish you had written Harry Potter and the Serpent's Spawn. I really loved your story.
Fyrebird85 chapter 23 . 12/17/2018
Sooooo, nearly 14 years later, I'm guessing you never got around to writing that sequel. Tease.
InAnnaCat chapter 10 . 12/13/2018
Sheesh! Why can't you torture Voldy.
InAnnaCat chapter 9 . 12/13/2018
Well are you doing a Rowling. Harry dies but gets to come back.
InAnnaCat chapter 6 . 12/13/2018
Why do you hate Harry? Making him experience his relatives death is just plain cruel.
TheBlocker66 chapter 7 . 12/8/2018
Very good. Keep up the great eork!
WhiteElfElder chapter 23 . 11/18/2018
So, Voldemort had a spare body just laying around?
WhiteElfElder chapter 14 . 11/18/2018
Nobody saw Draco cast the spell, was it colorless or something? Why is Draco increasing his attack levels?
WhiteElfElder chapter 11 . 11/18/2018
Voldemort is not doing what he is out of blood purity or magical superiority, he simply loves the death and destruction.
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