Reviews for Wanted
Kidley Kidley Sam chapter 1 . 5/22
This story was so romantic and pretty awesome blam rocks
shinee1234 chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
My daily dose of blam is completed. I loved your song choice and representation of Kurt. Im glad you didnt make him whiny or clingy or go about the "hate on Kurt" route. Thanks so much. Loved it
Beth9891 chapter 1 . 2/14/2014
Awww...good story Sam really is a better fit for Blaine then Kurt :-)
Dark Roz chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Your story is awesome, I love the way you used the "love triangle", without getting Kurt hurt (well, not that much hurt) in the end... Because most of the Blam shippers I know are Kurt haters, so I'm glad to know you're not '
And also you created a very beautiful romance, the plot is nice and your writing is great and really moving :')
jwmelmoth chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
(my phone isn't letting me log in properly, but it's me, JWM :)) I wish canon could be a bit more like this [though I'm sad for Kadam not working out in this 'verse, I do think it's in character for Kurt to long back for Blaine if that happened]. I think Sam would be good for Blaine. And you write him really well! The line about the Avengers was my favourite :)
Off to read some more Blam now JWM
TheChildOfTheTardis chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
I love how oblivious Blaine was. That just felt so like Blaine. Good story. I look forward to reading more of your stuff.
hazeleyes2881 chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
I loved this so much! I totally ship Blam! There are not enough Blam fics in my opinion. You did an amazing job with this story! I was so excited you used "Wanted" by Hunter Hayes I love that song plus he's from about 25 min. from where I am. I used to go see him play when he was younger. I'm going see him in concert next week! Anyway, I totally can see Sam singing that song! I loved Sam declaring that he is completely straight except for the fact that he likes Blaine. Ryder being confused...Ryder is ALWAYS confused poor thing! And Kitty, loved her "Oh, so you've just now realized that you've been gay for Blaine all year?" That is something I could totally see her saying! This is definitely going in my fave stories!
Blackness chapter 1 . 4/22/2013
As a Klainer, I wasn't sure I would like this story, but I do think Blam could work. And OK while I may be a Klainer, I adore Blaine more and it would be nice to see him happy.
Blame Blam chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw cute cute give me my blam fluff! thank you :-)
Loki Firefox chapter 1 . 4/21/2013

Despite my severe, life-threatening allergy to Klaine, I really like it when Kurt isn't the bad guy in Blamfics (cos it's so EASY!). Kurt's an AWESOME character and he makes a great friend for Blaine. I also like it when the writer doesn't make it an easy out either (like Kurt and Blaine never being together in the first place or Blaine was never in love Kurt), don't get me wrong I love fics like that too (heck, *I'M* one of those writers!), but I respect the writer that tries to figure out a way to make Blaine and Kurt move forward from where they are without vilifying or making light of what they had.

And an oblivious Blaine is an adorable Blaine.
SageK chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
Yay! This was incredible!
Donitello chapter 1 . 4/21/2013
Biggest question: What did Jake 'hiss' in Ryder's ear that made him understand Sam's newly expressed love for another man? But I loved the story, and really hope there is another chapter.

Your interpretation of Kurt was one of the best I've seen. Snide and strong with a sweet sincerity. I really thought you done quite well!
Omegadragoonx0 chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
So sickeningly sweet I think you gave me a cavity...Seriously though, this was amazing
therealspi chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
Prongs Padfoot and Mooney CO chapter 1 . 4/20/2013
I loved it! I'm a blam fan, I really dunnot like anyone more in glee.. well, maybe i love Ryder, Cooper, Sugar and Mike... and Adam. So, i loved it and I hope more slaine from you...
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