Reviews for Fate:Zero Hour Redux
TheSlySage chapter 15 . 11/29/2019
the line in this chapter about avenger screaming like a 12 year old playing cod or halo...

is why I am hitting fave and follow.

thanks for writing this awesomeness
Hadrian von Eveschatten chapter 15 . 11/19/2019
I won't even begin to criticise how stupid Kiritsugu's, Naruto's, and Arturia's dreams are, for they lack staggering amounts of awareness for the human condition.

I don't care about how much fans may like Kiritsugu. The piece of shit needs to die.
Fullmetal11791 chapter 2 . 1/8/2019
I don't like how you've given Naruto Shirou's mindset of not caring for his own life, especially without any back story given. He has faced a ton of hardship in his life. While losing his wife would defintely hurt him tremendously, it would not make him suicidal, nor change his mindset into something rivaling Shirou's. Just feels like a hamfisted attempt to make him similar to Shirou.
PhantomSnow13 chapter 1 . 5/19/2018
well it's sad that you stop writing overall but i could understand since i used to write books of my own
Guest chapter 4 . 5/18/2018
Clone. He had a clone and could have had that use a jutsu. Really I understand why you nerfed Naruto so much but please stop trying to explain why he doesn't do things in battle that he normally would.
soumilplays03 chapter 17 . 2/21/2018
oof that really sucks tha you quit cause of a bunch of dickheads
HuntersShadow chapter 17 . 1/7/2018

I just wanted to say: Thanks. This story was fun when it was coming out, I eagerly awaited for more of Season 2. This was one of the few good NarutoxSaber stories in the FSN crossover section and to me, at least, it stood out. First off, on your writing, you've got talent. You start out bad and get better through trial and error. Everyone's writing is rocky and it takes a lot of investment and development to get better. Don't be hard on yourself there, I always feel like I can do better, but I'm always going back a chapter or two to re-read and wonder how I can improve this scene or this character.

I'm sorry people descended to the point of death threats. Which, to me, is baffling. I've never been one of those 'post next chapter soon' types, I know that quality work takes time to produce. This story was one I was willing to wait on for new developments. This site can be stressing at times, but helpful as well.

So, despite how it all turned out, thank you. Thank you for putting some time to get this story out as it is now. I hope whatever endeavors you pursue next, it gives equal rewards in return for investments.

And above all else: thank you for inspiring me. So much FSN fan fiction has lead me to Arthurian mythology, the Once and Future King is such a tragic, fun, heartwarming, and uplifting story.

Have a nice day,

Rawrking chapter 1 . 12/5/2017
pointless fic. you shot urself in the foot bitch. naruto no regrets, no reason to compete. why he competing?
PLEASE READ ME chapter 17 . 11/7/2017
But that was why it was so funny. chapter 16 . 8/14/2017
Es una pena que no continues con tus historias .
Espero en en un futuro puedas retomar esta historia y tal vez hasta incluso mejorarla ; como incluir elementos de fate/apogripha .
TheSlySage chapter 17 . 7/28/2017
sad that your done. I really liked your stories. Well it happens I guess. hopefully you're doing something fulfilling with your life now!
TheSlySage chapter 17 . 7/28/2017
I have to agree with super apple below me. your stories are quite awesome. if you came back it would be awesome.
SuperApplePie chapter 17 . 7/12/2017
I read this story about a year ago but I only started reviewing stories this year. I came back to review because I want you to know that I really liked your stories and that if you ever come back, then please start writing again. This is one of the most interesting stories (in my opinion) in this website and you are a very talented writer.
Scarletina chapter 17 . 4/18/2017
ur writing is better than what i make its far better and from what i see ur writing is funny so ur writing not that bad
guest chapter 11 . 3/26/2017
Canon naruto will be rolling on the ground when he reads this and sasuke will be pround of naruto
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