Reviews for What's Left of Us
kawtharthegreat chapter 11 . 8/23/2014
Hahaha ooh someone jealous
PuffinSunday Muffin chapter 11 . 1/24/2014
Okay... I sincerely do hope that this fic is still up for the updates because man, the story is so intriguing and I would die to find out what is going to happen next! I love how the roles of each character had been playing out; its really well thought of. The way substance had been incorporated with the roles of the jack and the ace is really cool too! Is it bad I'm that I'm getting kinda into the cardverse politics in this fic? And honestly, it breaks my heart to see Ivan be left out in the dark in this fic and get hurt though, honestly. Despite unknown-to-him cries, the dude still have my sympathy.

In terms of character though, I feel like there is something wrong with Alfred's characterization in this fic? I'm not really sure, but it kinda bugged me...

I honestly hope that this awesome story would get updated!
Mandeebobandee chapter 11 . 8/5/2013
I would love for Ivan to find out what he did to Alfred eventually. As far as I'm concerned their relationship can't TRULY evolve until Ivan knows and comes to terms with the fact that he slaughtered his lover's family.
NanaFay chapter 10 . 6/9/2013
Haha, well played indeed! Though I value marriage, I think it would suck to get hitched with a man I'm forced to marry, and not have the opportunity to fall in love. At least Eliza found someone she'll be happy with (even if it has to be secret). Ivan, however, still has his 'love' life to deal with. Good chapter! Keep up the awesome work :)
Pepsicola chapter 9 . 6/3/2013
This is such a great fic! It's so rare to see a decent and well written cardverse RusAme! I do have a question though. You stated that Alfred and Matthew are cousins yet Francis loved Arthur. Does this mean that Lilli and the Spade King were siblings or is there some brotherly incest going on?
terrible english chapter 9 . 5/30/2013
ohhh! why is Alfred afraid to tell Ivan the truth? does it really matter anymore if his family is dead? at least then Ivan will truly understand why he and Alfred aren't really meant to be together... :( I just hope, when he finally finds out, he will love Alfred just the same. and another cliffhanger, ughhh
Guest chapter 8 . 5/29/2013
oh god continue please please pleaseeeee!
Invisibleamericanburgers chapter 9 . 5/30/2013
OHH I see. Don't tell him the full truth but enough to keep his mind off the major question...
NanaFay chapter 8 . 5/28/2013
You can imagine my happy face when I saw this update c: I'm glad Eliza and Ivan's trip to Diamonds wasn't so bad, that they managed to get along. At first, it seemed unfair for Eliza to try her best at getting along with her future husband, and Ivan reacting in a rude and cold manner towards her, but this will help develop the AusHun relationship (he's more of a gentleman). I understand Ivan's stubbornness though. He still loves Alfred, and only wants to be with him and have no other Queen (it's ironic how child-like it almost seems). Ivan seems to still have hope, and I'm curious to see what Alfred will reveal in the next chapter and if he'll be able to resist Ivan :3 Can't wait!
Invisibleamericanburgers chapter 8 . 5/28/2013
Reallly. You have to STOP there? At the best place EVER!
NanaFay chapter 7 . 5/26/2013
Gosh, it's so complicated...but I love it lol I'm very curious to see how Alfred's family and love relationships will go as this story goes on. I'm also sorry about Ivan's heartbreak, but at the same time I wonder if I'd ever forgive someone responsible for my family's death...most likely not, but when it comes to love, you never really know. And Francis' situation really tugged at my heart! But it's so wonderful how he watches over Alfred and continues to help the Spades kingdom :) Awesome job on another great chapter!
Li-Naga chapter 7 . 5/25/2013
This story is brilliant. The plot, characters development, all of the elements coming together and I can't wait to see how things will turn out between Alfred and Ivan. Never stop writing, the suspense is killing me in the most pleasant of ways-but it is killing me nonetheless! The coolest thing about this work is how ironic it is and how you just want to scream at them because they're doing it ALL WRONG! and how THIS AND THAT could have been avoided because EVERYTHING IS DRAMATIC IRONY! DEAR DESTINY, THERE IS MORE FREAKIN' DRAMATIC IRONY THAN ROMEO AND ?! Every time Ivan or Alfred gets close to straightening it out a bit everything rips into tatters upon tatters. Can they even be at fault? Everyone was hurt or punished- this must be a cruel joke on the poor babes. OK, I'm done ranting. Your writing is perfection, whenever you put up a chapter I am imbued with all these happy feelings even though they turn into sad feels later. Excuse this if I went overboard; it's one of my prominent character traits. Oh, and your writing style-it's super cool (awesomesauce)
Chai chapter 7 . 5/25/2013
Ahh Ivan so angry!
but after Alfred coming back into his life after so long
it must be hard to see him in the hands of another
ooh I really can't wait till Ivan finds out about what he did too
I mean it's something that changed Alfred's life forever
poor Arthur..and Francis for that matter
well for now I guess we'll see how they start to interact again
I kind of like the PruAme here but I guess it can't last forever!
Invisibleamericanburgers chapter 7 . 5/25/2013
Awwww so cute! Well, the last part was. I wondered how Ivan was going to react with Gilbert, but it wasn't that bloody as I hoped it to be. After all, Ivan is in love with America.
Anyways I loved it, continue my awesome random writer.
Kat with Shamrocks chapter 6 . 5/23/2013
Great story! :D
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