Reviews for Mars
TakingAWalk chapter 1 . 11/24/2014
Bahaha, this was great. Hilarious and badass all in one nice succinct package. Great one-shot!
Lyaksandra chapter 1 . 3/24/2014
That ending! I see what you did there, you perv.

I like the bombastic over the top stuff here. It's like romance but for action, or so I like to think.
torexile chapter 1 . 5/15/2013
The way shepard fights reminds me of thane.
Duelist 666 chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
How are you going to write something this dope and expect people not to demand more?

Patient131071 chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Nice writing, good characterisation, and a very entertaining little aside at the end. I know this is a one shot, but I would be extremely pleased to see more Mass Effect stuff from you.
Aithusa chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Nice short story! Enjoyed reading it, well written, liked how Garrus just watched :P looking forward to more!
Darkstar1406 chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Loved this! It really annoyed me the number of times in the Mass effect series when Shepard gets inexplicably de-powered in cut scenes.

I especially hated when this happened on Thesea during the fight with Kia Lang. I was completely destroying that pathetic weakling with my biotic powers and then suddenly he goes ahead and cheats using a gunship to destroy the temple. Then to add insult to injury later Shepard make’s out like he actually lost!

Kia Leng didn’t beat Shepard! He was a coward who couldn’t take him on in a straight fight and he had to resort to cheating to win.

Too often in a lot of fan fictions I've read they seem to make Shepard weaker than he actually is with him relying on his squad far too much when most of the time in the actual game he is the one who is clearing entire fields of enemies with his backup just being there to take out the stragglers.

Your Shepard is similar to how I imagine my own; and that is being able to handle any impossible situation thrown at him like a boss.

Glad to see a different point of view for a change and finally I am a huge Shep / Miri fan.

I would love to see you continue this further because you write excellently.
dane293584 chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
Type your review here...
Guest chapter 1 . 4/23/2013
That was friggin' awesome, and as such I respectfully demand that you do a Shepard/Miranda-Mass Effect 2/3 series.