Reviews for Man in the Mirror
Sarah Hyuga chapter 1 . 3/10/2015
yay this is probably the best uchihacest i have ever read
Atail chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
This story is fantastic. I love how you exploited Sasuke and Itachi's characteristics throughout, and this is by far the best thing I've ever read:
"Itachi raised an amused eyebrow at Sasuke's doubled reaction of pleasure.
"Oh... Baby brother likes my voice hm?" Itachi purposefully inserted a low husky growl into Sasuke's ear, causing the younger to jerk and gasp out wantonly."
ITACHI IS INCREDIBLY SEXY HERE! Him raising an amused eyebrow and being Itachi D.U.R.I.N.G S.E.X is a brilliant thing to capture.
Thanks for the story, keep up the good work!
LacrimosaSama chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
It was as cute as perverted, I liked it! ItaSasu is one of the best couple in (on?) Naruto fandom, I'm glad you wrote this! (yeah, yeah, forgive my english *talk* *talk* *apologies*)
MerucielagoLust chapter 1 . 4/30/2013
Holy...gods...that was great. Haven't read an Uchihacest story this good in a long time. Loved that you're not a fraid to include all the dirty juicy bits. Goin in the favorites!
Leeda Uchiha chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
.-. this was... so hot... great description. I love all of this fic :3 Nice one! xx
Nessie-san chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
Very well done, Matsuri-san. One thing I noticed was that you switched a couple times from past tense to present. Be careful of that. Otherwise, this was awesome XD Well done -
illusionneverchangedx chapter 1 . 4/26/2013
That was HOT. I really loved it! amazing job!
StainedSculpture chapter 1 . 4/25/2013
huwooo super SMEXY 3
Mettlei chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
...this was so perverted, don’t get me wrong though, it is the way I love stories. The naughtiness of this one... so delicious! The mirror thing... I loved it. And once more I completely loved the way you chose to portray the characters. Sasuke being naughty is always a delightful thing to read about and Itachi being the strict sexy older brother...well, what could be better than that :D
I commend you... you have talent and you should keep writing no matter what. Whatever people say (I do hope they will say only good things though) keep writing because you are amazing!
I loved the story!
itachifemsasu chapter 1 . 4/24/2013
that was hilarious and awesome! xD