Reviews for Outside Hearts
texican chapter 37 . 8/12
There were some kids on Twitter talking about this story and one of them posted the link. Wow am I glad they did! What a great story! Your characterizations were so good. I love their growth too. The proposal was perfect. Only these two would be dumb enough to wait 5 years to get engaged though!
allen r chapter 37 . 7/28
OK it was a nice idea. Did not care for how Quinn who did nothing but try to be who she needed to be was forced by Rachel to come out of the closet. Then you made everything Quinns fault for the break up. That was all on Rachel from start to finish. Quinn did everything in that relationship Rachel did nothing. Not cool. Quinn gave up her family her life as she knew it and so much more. Rachel gave up what for Quinn? Rachel never made any sacrifices.
allen r chapter 35 . 7/26
Wow Rachel is a heartless b. She forced Quinn to come out and now rejects her? So done needs to slap Rachel silly and black list her. She risked Quinns career for her selfish reason and then rejects her?
allen r chapter 31 . 7/22
OK boy you made Rachel even more selfish and self centered than in the show. Personally I have always loved Quinn. She was at heart a good person who had made a mistake and did what she had to do. She had no support. Rachel was never a good person unless Quinn beat it into her. Now for me you have made the same mistake the show did. You have focused so much on Rachel when Quinn is the way more interesting character.
allen r chapter 11 . 5/20
OK I have a major issue with this chapter. In the last chapter Rachel was asking questions and then Quinn asked her to stop asking stuff for now. Rachel repeatedly ignored Quinn. So Quinn blew up. Quinn had every right to blow up as Rachel was not respecting her! So this chapter you make Quinn the person who had to grovel? It was Rachel who was the disrespectful bitch when she ignored Quinn repeatedly asking her to stop. So to me Quinn so far has done not one thing in this story wrong. Rachel has never respected Quinn at all.
Guest chapter 37 . 10/14/2018
Oh wow your writing is so good. I think I’ll go buy your book :)
Guest chapter 37 . 9/15/2018
faberrygleektalana chapter 37 . 5/19/2018
Loved it! Geez I don't have words to express how awesome this is. Thank u for writing it and sharing it. Just perfect.
dgronison chapter 37 . 10/24/2017
I’ve always had this fic on queue for a long time now but just had the chance to read it and I’m glad I did. It has been a long time since I felt sad for reading a Faberry fanfic after I’m done with it. It truly has been a wonderful journey. Thank you so much for this. :)
An Odd One chapter 1 . 5/20/2017
This is a really great story. I am enjoying the story, the relationships and the friendships, it all works really well.
Sky chapter 37 . 3/22/2017
This was such a page turner
Good work!
JemilyPLLGleek78-10 chapter 1 . 2/7/2017
I don't know why I found the last part so funny, but I did. I believe this is going to be really great. Well, on to read more. :)
Regalducky chapter 37 . 1/26/2017
Wow! what a journey! Thank you very much for finish, I know how is hard 3 infinite kudos to you
I really like it, when you introduced Quinn's friend, Brad? Don't remember the name exactly, I thought it would be like in the fic "remember us" I hated that, but you did different, better, so thanks.
It was awesome
B.01 chapter 37 . 1/26/2017
f*cking amazing shitting good Jezus Christ this was amaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing
Ayeun chapter 37 . 1/18/2017
Très bien!

A truly wonderful story. I read it over a two day period. The roller-coaster of emotions, the break up, the love... The sex. Truly amazing.

You portrayed the cast perfectly, in their own little AU way. I feel that you may only have missed out on some reconciliation between Quinn and her family in your epilogue. Not that they had to have come around, but after 5 years, a bit of deeper acceptance could have occurred.

If you ever write another Faberry story, I will be over that like a mouse on cheese. I loved your work. Please keep it up in the future.

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