Reviews for Missing
tigerlily124 chapter 13 . 4/27/2016
Well done! I enjoyed this. P.S. I smell DuCaine beginnings.
riley chapter 13 . 7/11/2013
fantastic horatio story, always the best with horatio in them
Teeheehee123 chapter 13 . 5/14/2013
Trust the feisty Calleigh to find enough physical evidence to put all of the perpetrators to justice, not only for the murder of Timmy's mother but the assault on Horatio too.

I loved Horatio's stubbornness at the hospital, insisting that he would leave the next day with, or without, the permission on the doctors. Eric knows better than to argue with his brother in law in this type of thing as once the redhead has set his mind to something he can very rarely be swayed.

I really enjoyed the end scene with the team at the bar, what a nice surprise for them to have Horatio turn up, still looking the worse for wear but definitely alive.

The comment to Calleigh has me wondering if you have a short sequel planned for this story, those comments need to be explored in more detail!
daxy chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
hehe, I love it when the team has get togethers :) And Frank's last statement is soooo funny.
Awesome, awesome, awesome chapter!
987654321987 chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
I greatly enjoyed this story. Regarding the story in its entirety:

I liked the team interaction - Frank, Eric, Calleigh - each of the big three had their moments and all were in character thoughout. You masterfully handled Frank, and gave us many enjoyable instances of his sarcastic humor and cynicism. My, but it sounded just like him!

The feeling of brotherhood between Eric and Horatio was nicely and warmly portrayed thoughout. Calleigh's competence, ability to stay focused, and understanding that Eric needed to be with Horatio was also a good, key element to the story. I like your Calleigh - you write her well!

The moments between Timmy and Horatio were moving, and handled with just the right degree of sentiment. That's a hard line to walk - you did it beautifully. (Teach me, teach me! lol )

Your fine ear for the cadences of Horatio's speech was, as usual, spot on. No difficulty 'hearing' your Horatio at all - or imagining him. I've said it before: no one writes that man better.

I'm not sure what I think about Horatio's odd acknowledgment of Calleigh's actions. I rather wish he hadn't remembered - or alluded to it. I wonder if it will make for awkwardness between work colleagues down the road?

Yet, it worked very nicely in setting us up for the lighthearted ending to the story! I liked the sentence you ended on.

Thank you for another enjoyable story! It went by much too fast. Hope you have another in mind. Soon, please.
HEHC4evr chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
Another terrific story comes to a conclusion. Loved Franks last line and Calleigh's glaring question to Horatio. As far as Horatios final comment, does he know about his bed bath or not? I think not and he was referring to removing his clothes when he was missing.

I will miss updates from you. Please don't stay away too long. I do love what you do to Horatio.
horatio-is-the-man chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
Loved it. Look forward to the next one.
Margaret1234 chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
Wonderful final chapter to this story.

Interview was a bit tough going, McKenzie not giving much away and seemingly feeling very safe. But good work by Calleigh finding that pipe. Now they got you closed.

So Horatio was his usual self, out of bed, wanting to go home, persuading Eric to bring him some clothes and take him home...and finally going to join them all for a drink in celebration...Now that is so typical Horatio.

Absolutely loved the way Horatio said "And I promise not to take my clothes off." catching Calleigh's eyes letting her know he knew. Well you might blush Calleigh. That made me smile.

I have said it before when I caught up with all your stories, you always end on a perfect sentence.

Really enjpyed this story.
olliebella chapter 13 . 5/13/2013
really enjoyed this story , sorry to see it end x
HEHC4evr chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
Terrific writing as always. Timmy is such a cute kid and Horatio has a way of connecting with him because of a similar past. Poor kid, too bad Horatio could not keep him,but he would not do that. Or would he?

Love when you write an interrogation scene with Frank, so realistic.
Margaret1234 chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
Hmm...I didn't receive a notification this chapter was up. I just came across to check as you have been posting daily. Sorry, would have been here earlier if I had known.

The scene with Horatio and Timmy was very good and showed just how good Horatio is with kids. I can't say that enough times. Things are looking uncertain for the boy. Your heart has to go out to him because despite everything he said... "Can't I stay with Dad." Better the devil you know thinking I suspect. I hope they find his grandmother and that she wants him, this young boy needs some real love.

So Rosso wants a that's a surprise...Don't they always when stuck in a corner.

Great chapter as usual.
ajay1960 chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
olliebella chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
lol frank makes me laugh , horatio and timmys talk was so sweet xx
Teeheehee123 chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
Sorry for the late review, there seems to be a problem with email notifications and I hadn't noticed that you'd posted a new chapter.

I really enjoyed the section between Horatio and Timmy, it seems the boy really opened up to him. He has such an affinity to kids and they seem to instinctively know that he's a good man.

I'm glad that Robert Rosso is spilling the beans on what happened to Horatio that night and I thought it was great that Frank was determined to get a conviction for the assault on his friend and colleague as well as for the murder of Timmy's mother.

Great chapter as always!
987654321987 chapter 12 . 5/12/2013
Good grief. How DO you do it? Seriously, how do you manage to capture Horatio in conversation so accurately that I hear his voice and intonations? I have to say, you are the best at capturing his voice. The conversation between he and Timmy was just... well, it could have been filmed. Amazing job. Not one false note.

My heart did melt when I read the conversation between Horatio and Timmy. That emotionally frightened little boy just opened up to Horatio. Yes, Horatio would be able to get him to cry. He had been such a little soldier up to that point. (You handled it all without syrup. Beautiful.)

The rest of the chapter was swell, too. Great moments between Calleigh and Horatio, and with Eric and Frank drilling Rosso. (Frank's rejoinder to the 'Dude' moniker was quite Frank-like - it made me smile.)

Start to finish, an engaging chapter - and very moving. Well done!

(FYI - the site is failing to notify of updates; I found you'd updated by checking the site.)
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