Reviews for We Were Wrong
Lokielle1215119 chapter 17 . 6/1
plzplzplzplzplzplzzzzzzz continueeee why did it have to be a cliffhanger TOT
akenji chapter 15 . 4/24
I went there for a missions trip. Helped in the clinic and taught a few classes.

And I speak quite a bit of chichewa, but that's quite irrelevant.
Azurepheonix chapter 17 . 1/16
Please continue
Dirtkid123 chapter 17 . 12/25/2019
AAAAAAAHHH... oh my god.. this story is so amazing.. it is written so profoundly, and brings a sense of realism to the characters..
Anonymous chapter 17 . 8/24/2019
Why no more updates! Please continue this is soooo goood!
Lokielle1215119 chapter 2 . 7/6/2019
I'm already loving this story o
Dean chapter 6 . 11/20/2018
It’s kind of logical that Tony, with the help of Bruce, was able to calibrate the frequencies emitted from Loki obsessed by Thanos. Seeing how this obsession is a product of stone, with which Tony has already managed to work. I suppose that the distance between Loki and Thanos and Loki and the scepter helped a lot to the process.
It seems to me that Odin's advisers will not be particularly happy about the idea of sending their prince (so that if not all of them liked him very much. He still their prince, hence any claim from Midgard beneath him) to Midgard, to calm them. If only because he is definitely more needed at home (both for his own full-fledged healing and for developing strategies and preparing sorcerers). Not to mention Midgard's impudence, demanding any compensation when it is clear that Loki actually saved Midgard from much worse fate, and they should be infinitely grateful for it (Tony's little speech could have negative consequences: seeing how Midgardians did not respect each other’s lives and engaged in self-extermination of their own species, according to one of their heroes, Odin's advice may find it in some offensive manner that their prince no less must bear any kind of responsibility to such barbarians).
I am glad to see Odin's progress in relation to his perception of both his sons. Just as glad to see that Thor is finally thinking for himself and not just looking for someone else's opinion and assurances... I hope that your Thor will be more mature than the movie version that easily gave up the throne and his responsibility for his people at the time of their need (this people each invested as much as they could into their prince, only so that he would turn his back on them. Heck he even abandon his hangers to deal with another betrayal of their).
Apples? I hope that this is not just a borrowing from mythology, but some interesting processing (dunno, the highest level of genetic engineering where they make medicine not in the form of poorly edible and sometimes poorly digestible pills and ect, but in the form of completely edible and nutritious apples for example).
I actually think that Odin has much more in common with Loki. But, as noted earlier, this is the similarity that Odin did not want to encourage. Therefore misunderstanding.
Oops... Not again?
Dean chapter 5 . 11/20/2018
It’s kind of logical that Tony, with the help of Bruce, was able to calibrate the frequencies emitted from Loki obsessed byThanos. Seeing how this obsession is a product of stone, with which Tony has already managed to work. I suppose that the distance between Loki and Thanos and Loki and the scepter helped a lot to the process.
Dean chapter 4 . 11/20/2018
I know I know that this story was begun long before the release of half of the Marvel movies was. But this does not prevent me from thinking if Thanos began all this speech at Lokis trial not only as a mockery/warning/threat to Odin, but also as another round in his long game (the end especially leads me to this thought). He could expose himself and his participation in Loki's fate after the execution — through any other envoy or in person. And it would be more logical not to give Asgard and other realms time to join forces. But for some reason he prevented Odin from executing his disgraced son. I get the feeling that he really admires Loki and wants to try to incline Loki to his side (or neutrality to begin with). Ala "You think I'm some evil madman, but I just showed you the truth about your precious Asgard and about the people on whom you waste your loyalty and love", "After all that you have done for them for centuries, none of them spoke in your defense. They would have executed you like a mad dog, never worrying about the reasons for the change in you” and “I may be a severe parent but never an unjust one. I love all my children"...
In this situation, the choice of Odin is obvious, and he will play into the hands of Titan, if he seriously intends to adopt Loki into his dysfunctional family.
Dean chapter 3 . 11/20/2018
Hmm... Either I was quick to draw conclusions about your vision of the people of Asgard, or in the courtroom there were collected, as Tony noted, mostly halfwits interested in muscle development than brain (or at least they are the ones who speak - obviously from a lack of knowledge).
I like the intel collected by Tony (I’m sure that the resident spies also collected as much and more. But unlike Tony, they are under strict orders - and they are personally motivated to remain silent and let Asgard stay in their happy ignorance).
Dean chapter 2 . 11/20/2018
I like how it is Tony who gave a speech kind of in support of Loki (I think it is very in character). I like his belief that he figured Loki out, although in reality he saw only what Loki himself or others Asgardians wanted to show - so how could Tony really understand someone with whom he had no meaningful personal interaction, and whom he saw only with one parties (deliberately demonstrated in this). Especially when Thor, the person who supposedly knew Loki best of all, was not able to point out his uncharacteristic behavior, or share any meaningful information about him? The poor bastard projects too much, and does not even realize it in his bloated self-conceit.
Dean chapter 1 . 11/20/2018
Oh, I love Thor's self-reflection here. The brain is needed for this. It is a pity that the ogirinal did not learn it (the movie-Thor does not seem capable of deep analytical reflections, like a mirror reflecting only other people's opinions - which he takes on faith without any reservations or doubts. As long as it's not Loki's, that is. Loki-the-shadow-of-Thor is not may have opinions, memories, experiences different from Thor - and his hangers. So when Loki says otherwise, he certainly lies... Gosh, it infuriates me that instead of giving the character of Thor proper development, the moviemakers decided to degrade the character of Loki - little more with each next movie. So in Ragnarok Loki turned to become caricature of himself half of time - it's only because of Tom Hiddleston perfect action, that character still hold afloat).
I also like that you didn’t do Asgard - realm obviously superior in development than Earth - into place full of medieval preconceptions and dislike for Loki just because (how else then they become superior? Not muscles make technology. And the whole realm cannot not be only warriors. There must be it's own artisans and farmers, and of course seidrkonyr. And even males, although rare, and certainly not as noticeable as Loki because of his rank as a prince in conjunction with such hobbies, and talents).
So I agree tha all Asgard cannot dislike Loki. Nobles and warriors as well. Rather, they are by default considered Loki as second best. Thor's previous opinion is very subjective - and now he project his past ignorance and prejudice on all noble and warrior folk. Although his own (and Odin's) disdain for Loki's practice became sort of permission for Thor's and Odin's entourage to similar treatment of their second prince...
I like that most of hater's of Loki are nobles and warriors. I got this feeling that his magic and dissimilarity to Thor is probably just an excuse and justification of their dislike (when the truth is that Thor would have needed the nobles for diplomatic advice and so he made an excellent puppet for them - and Loki wouldn't. And for the warriors, Thor is one of them. Loki in fact, too, but he is also a scientist and a diplomat and a sorcerer - it is not surprising that in order not to feel defective they put the situation as if it were Loki who is somehow not right).
I really like trial scene, no matter how farce it look like (because there wasn’t even such in the movie). And how Loki was accused of letting Jotnar into the vault - although this fact was never directly revealed in the movie. No specific confession from Loki - if ignoring Loki's words to Lafey, considering that he first lied to Thor - in his own words to Loki, during Loki’s official visit later, Jotnar didn’t even know the nature of the portal, or whowhat open it (given the convention from TDW, this very first portal could also be a precursor of an event). So Loki could easily lie to Lafey in response to lure him into a trap. And about usurping of the throne ... Didn't noone explain for Thor's friends that Loki did not usurp anything? Otherwise, much more people would have noticed that, than these Dull Four - there is a full palace of people after all, and most of them much smarter...
But most of all, I love your OFC, raising the question of Loki’s one-year absence. It infuriates me that for the whole bunch of movies no one ever asked Loki about this period of time (not even his dear Mother did it). If not out of consern for Loki, then at least for Asgard: to find out how loyal these troops are to Loki, and if they try to get him back or attack Midgard again... or Asgard. He was, not without reason, considered dead, just to appear a year later with an army and a very remarkable scepter... But of course he just fell right into some boringbroading army and they just appointed him their general and presented him with a scepter...
Guest chapter 4 . 10/2/2018
What's it with villains always wanting to give an evil monolog. Saying what they planand and how they will succeed. Really Thanos. Thanks anyway. It's the least u could do after what u have done to loki.
Nix Auditore chapter 17 . 6/21/2018
Olá. A história é deliciosa, mas como qualquer outra que li sobre colocar Loki no mesmo castigo que foi infligido por Thanos apenas me enoja, desculpas, tinha que ser sincera. O teor de insensibilidade é astronômico e mesma gostando da história, me fez mal do estômago enquanto lia, pena, história tão promissora.
margo chapter 17 . 2/8/2018
cool story, hope to see more!
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