Reviews for Trust In Me, Trust In You
SCSunshine chapter 1 . 4/24/2017
Such a great story! Well thought out and told. I've read it more than once and worth the read every time. Thank you!
XxRebelWriterxX chapter 35 . 3/11/2017
This is my first Tibbs story and I have to say, you made me a fan. I always need another gay ship in my life.
KenyaRose chapter 35 . 3/3/2017
I so enjoyed your story. Fantastic! Cant wait to read more of your work. Thank you!
keytomyheartmyimmortal chapter 11 . 6/9/2016
well this is one of my fave tibbs story but i never seen a third wheel person who is that jealous do things like that to try to get a i was in his place i would give up the person if they look like they are in i wouldn't know i never saw a person in love in actual life besides my parent and tv of coarse.
bobdog54 chapter 35 . 11/18/2015
It's almost 3:00 in the morning and I just finished the last half of this story. OMG! It reads like the show should be. The procedurals were well thought out and characters were spot-on. This is definitely a read-again given the wealth of details in every chapter. If it wasn't so late, I could probably be a little more specific about the things that I really liked but it is and I am definitely on the incoherent side of things.

Wow, I really, really like this story and I will me keeping it on my pile of virtual things to keep around forever.

thank you
jjd022980 chapter 35 . 8/4/2015
Love it! This was a great story!
carbo21 chapter 34 . 7/25/2015
Only comment I have on this wonderful story - like with the Randy/Ryan issue you mentioned, you had Matthew D Walters in the one chapter, but his mother calls him Matthew Alvin.
JENTWCSINYFAN2 chapter 35 . 5/14/2015
Ooh wow loved this, must read the rest nicely done
AmyH chapter 35 . 3/1/2015
As much as I hate to see this end, I think your conclusion was spot on. All points were neatly tied up and the last couple of paragraphs? Perfect!

I can't wait to read this again and again because I know I'm going to enjoy it more and discover things I missed the first, second and third time around as I read it in its entirety.

You've done a wonderful job balancing between cases and personal growth for every character, not just Tony & Gibbs.

NoOne425454 chapter 35 . 3/1/2015
Great story. Wow, I can't believe it it over. This was a wonderful ending. You tied up everything perfectly and gave some sweet and some hot.

Thank you very much.
lesipiratecat chapter 35 . 3/1/2015
fantastic ending! thank you for this very enjoyable story! :)
Cackymn chapter 35 . 2/27/2015
Omg. This was a wrap-up for the ages! So much - everybody, perfectly included and brought full circle! Tim and Abby, awww. Jackson, sigh. "You, uh, getting the band back together?" (Rofl, I flashed on the Blues Brothers.) The case details - Christ that was a mammoth job in itself, considering the way the case grew extra legs and tentacles as you wove this amazing tale. And the love. Shit, the tropical vacation. I could feel Tony's happiness in every word, and Gibbs' well-earned smug satisfaction. And, AND... Hot tub sex! Their last basement sex. (sniff, but the hotness made up for it) I love when Gibbs goes places Tony wasn't expecting, and omg be rimmed "for long minutes" and Gibbs talking dirty, and oh my! I like Gibbs' energy and sexual vitality. It signals the strength and renewal found in his relationship with Tony, especially after a trying year. I love that Jethro is pouring on the good stuff because during that year Tony feared many times that he'd brought only trouble to Gibbs, who in turn went nearly nuts trying to protect him and keep him whole. So to see all this newness and optimism is more than any sane person could hope for, and it is deserved. I'm still not down with very much about Stan, but for a guy who toyed with the wrath of Gibbs, he's damn lucky not to be flipping burgers. He's lucky to be breathing. Oh, but back to Tony. "Bundle of insecurities!" Oh Abby only you could get away with that, but she was right, and she probably knows him better than anyone at this point, besides Gibbs. This set up the ending passages perfectly. Because of their shared trust, Tony is no longer the same guy, and if Gibbs is the reason, well, Tony has changed him too. He talks now. :-) The fact that he could answer Tony thoughtfully about whether or not they'd have made it without On Your Six and that first exhilarating, terrifying moment...
I also love picturing the band, what insane fun. Cuter than puppies! I am imagining MCRomantic turning from shy to suave when he takes the mic and proposes to Abby, just as Tony turned from cocky to nervous. That is the fun of these characters. Especially in your hands. We got very layered, thought-out development from everyone, and as a reader I cannot render enough praise and appreciation for that feat of heart and pen. Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, the groupie! Loooooved it!
Congratulations and condolences both on completing this labor of love. Your writing just amazes me and is a special pleasure, always. (I just re-read the last paragraph - McGee taking Tony's guitar because Gibbs has molested him with an ever-loving Gibbs kiss - hahaha! Awesome image, so funny, and them kissing in front of the whole room to the sound of applause. You are a hopeless romantic! And that could have been a scene in a movie!)
And of course, the Last Line. :-)
Anyway, be proud of this and of the praise it had earned. And keep serving up Tibbs because I'll read it. I will trust you any time!
unedune chapter 35 . 2/27/2015
hi dinozzo's probie

thanks for a great story - hard to believe started reading nearly 2 years ago!

well done

shadocat chapter 35 . 2/26/2015
Perfect! :)
kbor chapter 35 . 2/23/2015
Terrific job! Loved it all
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