Reviews for Cinco De Mayo
Sunshine0425 chapter 16 . 7/5/2017
OMG... I love your story, read the whole thing in like 2 please tell me you are going to update soon and that we are goingvto find out what happens. I love how you have brought all the characters together, you've kept a lot of their traitstuff from the show but still made them a little bit different. I wish I could write like all of you that give us these great fics to read.
RebecaV chapter 16 . 8/4/2016
Chapter 16!
Wait, are Blaine’s mom and Will going to be a thing? Or is Emma just being paranoid?
Operation Blame is a go! It’s about damn time.
Is Penny going to try and pin this pregnancy on Sam? Oh crap.
Quinn has two dates... Hmmm...
I’m glad Sebastian got a happy storyline. Mostly because I’m picturing Grant Gustin.
Jake better not pressure Marley into doing anything! Or end up cheating on her!
So Sugar and Edgar are really together? And he’s REALLY not bad? Okay...
Clois mention!...And also a Clana mention.
Finally some Sam and Blaine moments! It only took you a year or so to get them there. That’s just cruel! BUT it does come with a happy moment...
That of course gets ruined by Penny and Kurt. OF COURSE.
RebecaV chapter 15 . 8/4/2016
I think I remember you telling me about chapter 15, but I don’t think I actually read it So I’ll review it too!
Kurt and Penny working together! Uh-Oh!
Sugar and Edgar working together on the other hand can be funny. I kind of had my heart set on him being evil, but I guess this is okay too.
I’m liking the friendship that is forming with Edgar and Santana.
And to the dance they go!
Amy-Violet chapter 16 . 8/3/2016
Sigh, Blam is so adorable together! Penny is totally loca if she thinks she can keep them apart any more. Right? Right!

I mean it's almost too bad that Sugar will never get to see Blaine and Edgar go at it, but lucky for her she's got a vivid imagination.

Good for Tina, getting some hot Jake action. As long as she doesn't just blow him and get nothing in return.

Now: Who is this mystery cutie Lauren mentioned? Hmm?

Awesome chapter, and I can't wait for the next one!
Joely P chapter 16 . 8/3/2016
Noooo! It was all going so well! But it's nothing that Team Blam can't deal with, right? And is Lill (Wisa?) really going to be a thing?! Can't wait to find out :) Great chapter!
RHatch89 chapter 16 . 8/2/2016
Awesome :)
Joely P chapter 15 . 7/13/2016
First of all I love this story! I love your version of Blaine (and not just because of the glasses although they do help...) and I adore his friendship with Santana.
I'm glad Blaine decided to stop pretending with Edgar, and I'm very excited about the dance and the new Blaine. Three couples are happily together - only one to go... right? :)
Eagerly (but patiently) awaiting your next update.
Amy-Violet chapter 15 . 7/4/2016
Okay, Blaine needs to listen to Quinn and freaking talk to Sam! (Also she's right about "Pam": Ewww!)

Ryder and Sebastian in the basement on the fourth of July? So that's happening RIGHT NOW!? OMG! You're going to write that as a separate one-shot, right?

Great chapter! I'm so happy you're updating again! I hope you're hard at work on chapter 16 already. XD
RHatch89 chapter 15 . 7/3/2016
Awesome :)
Amy-Violet chapter 14 . 10/28/2014
Another awesome chapter! Take that, Mr. Lopez you asshat! LOL, Jesse and Santana as siblings. (And where HAS Blaine heard that name before? I can't wait to find out.)

NOW you have to get Blaine and Sam back together-please, please, please! Don't let Sammy suffer another minute!

And, Edgar, even if you are a good guy now you can't have Blaine. Sorry not sorry.
RHatch89 chapter 14 . 10/28/2014
nice update :)
RebecaV chapter 14 . 10/28/2014
Yay! Finally some Santana and Blaine moments!

Dude! Jesse is Santana's brother? Love that twist!

Tina working with Kurt? Sugar going to help Edgar? What's going on!?

angellovercriss chapter 12 . 9/26/2014
pffff odio a penny ya jajajaj puto sam ay me encanta cuando metes frases en español :))) y bueno al menos edgar ya no es malo pero pobre Blaine :((((((((
Jov chapter 13 . 9/23/2014
Noooooooooooooo! What just happened? *cries*
RebecaV chapter 13 . 9/24/2014
I totally did not see Penny being up to something! I love that even though I know a lot of spoilers I can still be surprised!

The end of the chapter where they are going back and forth is really adorable and at the same time painful! Get them together already!

Hoping that the shorter chapter means you're going to update sooner!

P.S. Let's write a book together someday!
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