Reviews for DAYS
Guest chapter 1 . 5/21/2019
Awsome! There really aren’t enough book verse fics and you really captured her character.
Noctus Fury chapter 1 . 7/31/2018
And why not? Camicazi is awesome! I'm very sad that Camicazi, Thuggory, and the bookverse in general is so underrepresented in this fandom. Which is odd, and ironic, considering that the series was several years old before the first movie came out, and that without the books, the movies would've never existed. You'd have thought that there'd be WAY more bookverse fanfics than there are. Though, considering this is in the "Movies" category, I'm assuming that HTTYD wasn't on here until the first movie came out. Which is stupid, and probably a very large reason why the bookverse got swept under the rug in favor of the movieverse: because once they CAN write fanfics about HTTYD the movie came out, and everyone was drugged with the hype of there FINALLY being a movie for their favorite book series (though the majority of fans that watched the movie had never read the books, me included. Once the movie said that there were books, I searched for them. And LOVED THEM), and mostly forgotten the bookverse, except for the odd fanfic that mixes both book and movie verse and adds book characters into the movie setting and character versions. It rots. Hiccazi and HTTYD Book-Verse are so underappreciated. They need more love. Which is why I'm planning on writing fanfics solely based off of the books.

Okay, after all of that. Here's my actual review. I really enjoyed the story! This is one of my favorite parts in the series - and quite possibly one of my top favorites in book 3. Camicazi was such a dynamic character that it was fun to read her parts. She also kept characters like Fishlegs from being dull, boring, and annoying (well, not TOO much anyway).

You really did a great job with Camicazi's POV and helped adding filler as to what happened to Camicazi and what she was doing when she was imprisoned, as well as how long she had been there. I never would've thought that she would've lied to Hiccup about Toothless. It was a bit too specific to be a lie, in my opinion. Especially about the Prefect, since I doubt she would've met him. But her lying on some of it like seeing Toothless and him being thrown in Level Seven and stuff (especially since she doesn't know Latin like Hiccup does). And Camicazi DID say that Bog-Burglars have no morals (which isn't really true).

Again, great job! I really enjoyed reading this! I hope that you'll be able to write more Book-Verse fanfics.

Your fellow Book-Verse fan,

Noctus Fury
Guest chapter 1 . 6/19/2018
Alternate title: the Day Camicazi met her Senpai
I mean, this is awesome. That girl needs some LOVE, man.
How bout we make May Day Camicazi Appreciation Day?
SO8IGH'WEP4IHTGNJLW chapter 1 . 10/17/2017
This is great! Camicazi doesn't get near enough attention! I love how you set up her character and point of view before bringing in the storyline. And the end is so heartwarming!
Dlldarkwolf chapter 1 . 3/10/2017
Bless you for your Camicazi mood! I've been listening to the audiobooks with my mom and I've been wanting some more Camicazi in my life, but she's not in a whole lot of fanfiction. WHICH IS A SHAME!
I'd assume from your username that you prefer the movies a little more, but thank you for this wonderful story!
ay lmao it's me ya boi chapter 1 . 7/1/2016
"The beginning of everything," No kidding. THAT day brought her so many adventures. I bet they wouldn't have survived half of the adventures without Cami . . . But then, she would've been excedingly bored . . . So this day played out quite nicely. Never thought of tis day in this way. Great!
deleted142857 chapter 1 . 3/5/2016
So cute! I love this!
G chapter 1 . 4/1/2015
Good old Camicazi. Its hard to find fanfics that are about those three and not romance. Camicazi rules.
Dr4gonIc3F34th3r chapter 1 . 3/14/2015
and funny..
Guest chapter 1 . 11/30/2014
Thank you. There really aren't enough book fics on here. May Thor and Woden bless you and your writings.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/26/2014
This is so... Camicazi. It's so like her... I love it!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/23/2014
Oh wow, that was awesome!
starlightwalking chapter 1 . 9/7/2013
That was really sweet and amazing. I'm not really sure whether or not this could be seen as being Fishlegs/Camicazi or Hiccup/Camicazi, but I like Fishlegs/Camicazi better so... XD

I LOVE Camicazi, she is such an exciting and interesting character. :D
writerofberk chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
I like your interpretation of Camicazi.

It's a well-written piece and I like the way you began and ended and the way you talked about what she did before Hiccup and Fishlegs came
Ryoko-nee chapter 1 . 7/28/2013
Hee, this is a fun take on the book and quite her character (making her so bored by the time Fishlegs and Hiccup came really makes more sense as to why she started fighting in the first place haha). GJ )
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