Reviews for Day By Day
Eris chapter 1 . 5/25/2019
Fascinating story. Shows really well the deep feelings of Garfield. So emotional.
BrookeNerd chapter 1 . 11/26/2016
Tears, so many tears. This fanfic is beautiful beyond words.
Hadley B chapter 1 . 1/1/2016
How does this not have more reviews? This story was amazing! One of the best Garfield fanfics out there for sure. I enjoyed every minute of this story. Your writing and thoughts into what Gar may have been going through are so intellectual. Great job! Amazing ending to an amazing story! 3
Meteorblazes chapter 1 . 1/16/2015
This story is gift sent from the heavens. As are you.
GenerationKing chapter 1 . 8/10/2013
I freaking LOVE this story! The whole "hall of the mountain king" moment in the beginning when Gar was talking about being a small person walking in a mountain of gods, the relationship between him and M'gann, the inclusion of Jason (which almost made me sob like a little girl), and finally GAR- I just really, really love Gar. You write him so well.

typhoonboom08 chapter 1 . 7/16/2013
Pretty awesome story
Luna333L chapter 1 . 6/29/2013
This is incredible, I loved every bit of it! Fantastic work.
Madam'zelleG chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
Just a brief disclaimer that I'm going into this one completely fandom blind. :)

Excellent job setting the scene at the very beginning. As a fandom outsider, I really liked the way that the little details about how they responded to the cold gave me an excellent idea of the characters. Particularly with the one being invulnerable, presumably to harm? I liked the detail about the fluffy sweaters as well. Very round, excellent way of starting a story. Very effective at pulling the reader in.

One thing that I did notice was that you are kind of inconsistent when it comes to punctuating your dialogue, so I'm going to summarize the rules. I wasn't sure if you knew what they were or not, so forgive me if this is old news. Whenever you finish dialogue with a direct dialogue tag (such as "he said" or "she said"), you punctuate your dialogue like this:

"I don't think so," he said.

So there's a comma at the end of the dialogue instead of a period. If you had something like this:

"I don't think so." He looked over his shoulder at her.

You finish with a period. Basically, if the character specifically "says" something, you finish with a period. If it's an action not related to actually talking, it's just a period. :)

Well done keeping the present tense consistent throughout the whole piece. That's definitely difficult to do. I liked the way that you portrayed the characters, and I felt like I really got to know them throughout the piece. Nicely done and keep up the good work in the future!

Cheers, dearie!
Ersatz Einstein chapter 1 . 5/6/2013
This is well-timed and well-written. It's compelling and it tells a complete story. You have some irritating typos and punctuation errors, but generally speaking, this is an excellent story. I have no idea why it hasn't been reviewed more.
yuu101cutie chapter 1 . 5/3/2013
This was so cute.
You should do this for all of the team members during this time. Also, extending this.
They would all have different things going in their heads during the 5 year.
Please continue and keep up the good work. ;)
randomkitty101 chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
I like it :3