Reviews for When You Assume
GoodByeApathy2 chapter 1 . 7/4/2016
OMG how did i miss this? (Maybe because i avoid all things 'Quail' in description? Lol) Stunning. I cried. I seriously never cry
Zeki Young chapter 1 . 2/1/2014
That is fantastically cute! I love the idea of Jim and Rick emailing and having a relationship outside of that via Kate.
AgentCastle41319 chapter 1 . 5/9/2013
Aww! I loved this!
janinsc chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
Excellent, as per usual.
LilithL2 chapter 1 . 5/8/2013
so beautiful that it make me want cry ...
congratulations :)
5x21 "Still"... so amazing... i love everytime Kate looks at him kindly...
blue252 chapter 1 . 5/7/2013
"Taking him for granted. He still can't find fault in being so comfortable with her that he shows his slouchy side, his not-perfectness, his real self. He loves seeing hers. The sweatshirt and the mussed hair and the lack of appreciation for 'The Warriors' and disagreeing with him so much that she doesn't even bother to mount a defense because she feels it's beneath her to even try."-This paragraph is so meaningful to me. That part of a relationship that speaks more than anything because you can just be yourself. I love thinking of them like this and I love the way you've written it.

"He watches her watching the world, and it feels like the first - no, the second - it feels like the second case they ever worked together, when he just fell in love with her whole existence." -This is beyond gorgeous. I can't even.

"I have. Your father sends me things. Emails me." -hahaha oh i love this and the dialogue around it is great!

"And he'll find himself telling her everything. He always does. He just - he's not sure they're at a place where she wants to hear it or even where it should be said aloud." -I want to make hear these conversations SO bad.

How his writer's imagination just. . .fills out their story.-LOVE

"You can do that, Castle," she murmurs, a smile against his skin, nuzzling under his jaw.
He realizes his hands are wrapped at her elbows, bracing them both maybe, and he flattens his palms out and embraces her, drawing her close and in and tighter.
"I can?" he murmurs, his words falling to the top of her head now.
She sways with him. "I do it too."-ugh. This is so sweet. Just what I needed to read today. Somehow I missed this when you posted it and I'm glad I saw it!
Oliviet chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Still laughing over this line: "infinite beige trenchcoats." So great. And the rest was really sweet!
Elle018 chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
lkwill39 chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Great story! They are just too cute together. :)
keystothecastle chapter 1 . 5/5/2013
Oh, this is so lovely! And thank you! Just what I need as we approach end of season hiatus angst (I'm assuming; staying spoilerfree as much as possible).
huntaj18 chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Rick Castle, are you picturing what our kids will look like?"... Ohhhh yes. Gimme Castle babies anytime.
AddisonRules chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Loved it. A nice way to put a positive spin on the comfort of being in the right relationship.
Detectiveben chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
A beautiful sentimental story as always
LittleLizzieZentara chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
using his first name on him. So not fair. - :)

I really like Kate in this. It's like you said: She has such compassion, and right at this moment she's giving it all to him.
Docnerd89 chapter 1 . 5/4/2013
Agsgjskkaja! So good.
Also; per usual, I'm post-call & post-op and exhausted. Which for some reason is making me more emotionally vulnerable. And i finished reading this and gave my dog a big squishy hug. And he's very confused. ... And none of that is stuff you wanna know. "/

Anyway, what a sweet story. I loved it. Thank you.
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