Reviews for Last Night
fayevalcntine chapter 7 . 8/29/2017
Finally managed sit down and read this properly and can I just saw, I will love you eternally for this series. Like I mentioned before, I felt so unsure of it but now that I have read it I can only say thank you for writing such an amazing AU for these two. I loved so many things about it but most of all, I just loved how you depicted emotions throughout the whole thing.

I loved the overwhelming uneasiness when Rory moves back, and Jess being so sure at first that she would leave again, considering past experiences, but not knowing how to handle her staying for a longer period of time afterwards. Them being so distant from one another and Jess trying to keep an arm's length was so interestingly done, I really loved how you showed him being more guarded than Rory because while he does seem like the tougher one, Rory did hurt him a lot, and there is only so much he can take.

I liked the recurring memories you showed throughout the fic, especially those that they get at the same time. Jess finding the Inquirer's add for new employees was so clever and so like him, constantly helping Rory even when he doesn't have to. I also love how there is still tension even as they ease into one another and staying in the same apartment together. Jess reading one of Rory's schoolbooks on his break seems so like him, always curious in his own way.

I also forgot to mention previously how much I loved Jess encouraging Rory after her stint with Mitchum, and how different it is from how Logan handled it, or Lorelai. Jess always had known and believed in her capabilities, and its nice to see that be shown here.

I really appreciate Rory giving him space when he needed and she first came here. She has done some big things to hurt him so I at least appreciate her respecting his space and privacy, even though she felt bad now.

The moment during the nominations ceremony was so interesting and intense. I really loved Rory for being proud of Jess but for also wanting him to be proud of his work too. Its obvious that he doesn't feel like he belongs there, and I love Rory for convincing him to come back. The kiss they had was so spontaneous it threw me off as well.

Jess coming home to find Rory trying to pack her suitcase and crying was so emotional, I really love you for putting that in. I knew that Rory might punish herself for overstepping by kissing him, and this is a really great scene to show that she cares for him still, but would also feel heartbroken if she left. Jess telling her to stay felt like such an intimate moment, especially when he did so while comforting her.

The scene where Rory starts helping him edit was so intense, I loved how you described every movement in such detail, and I especially love how Jess decided to make a move only after he saw how Rory's idea could make part of his chapter better. Its actually pretty telling they come together at this, because they're obviously very passionate about it. I also love the enthusiasm from Rory when it came to his character in the book.

Jess putting it into words how out of every big decision she's made in her life, she's always shut Jess out meant so much, and captured exactly the root of Rory's problem when it came to what she chose so far. Which isn't to say that she can't make her own choices, but considering how they're married and how she helped and continues to help him throughout his career, and he is open to it, the least Rory could do is return that trust. This especially should be noted on when it comes to her decision on leaving too.

Amazing fic, again. Thank you so much for writing it. If you were to ever decide to return to this again, I would give you my full support on it.
literallyliterati chapter 7 . 7/30/2016
I don't know if you actually still check reviews for this story but I wanted to tell you what a breath of fresh air it was. Usually, stories that change the dorm scene just change it vaguely but you took that scene and not only let Rory say yes but had her marry Jess. And I was so intrigued and interested in what happened after. I love that they were married for almost her whole time at Yale and after graduation, you had Rory be the one who leaves and not Jess, breaking them up, which after three years of marriage is brave because not many stories, fanfics or otherwise, show that a couple can come back from that. Most literati stories are about their getting back together and that being it, the right time. I love that they got back together, got married, had years together only to find maybe they could try to be without each other, even if Jess was more forced into that decision. And then she came back, because she missed him, because she loved him, because maybe sending divorce papers doesnt have to be the end. Maybe they can have both love and a life. I love the way you wrote them, everything about it and I found myself wondering about that three years, as well. I was glad to learn Emily's reaction but also sad at the outcome. Yet I see it being so in character. I wondered about Lorelai's reaction, how she felt. I hope that you see this and maybe it will reawaken another sequel to this. This story is one that begs to be written and yet it's so real and portrays so much while still showing how it's possible for both Rory and Jess to trust each other again as friends first then as husband and wife. This has got to be one of my favorite literati stories I have ever read.
KEMLEM81 chapter 7 . 6/27/2015
I can only assume Peter is a literature student of some variety judging by your response to his comments (but without having read his review). I have no relevant skills or qualifications with which to judge your talent except my own innate knowledge that I love what I've read of yours so far. I wish people didn't take this all so seriously because it is something we should be able to enjoy participating in as both a reader and a writer. I really like your style and flow and the way you've authentically captured the characters. I will definitely continue to work my way through the rest of your lit fics and hope you continue to write more.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/26/2014
This is the best ff I've ever read. Please please go on! Big fan from Italy.
Tricky'Nix chapter 7 . 8/13/2013
This is beautiful. Utterly beautiful.
PixieShadow chapter 7 . 8/7/2013
God, I really love your story! I've read it 3 times, and I never get tired. Thanks for those hours of little big pleasures.
TheVelvetDusk chapter 7 . 8/2/2013
I'm so glad you PMed me about this sequel! I really enjoy the way you write and I think that you are very good at building realistic tension. I love stories about grown up Rory and Jess trying to make it work, so this was a definite treat.

And about this whole drama from that rather negative reviewer, he seriously needs to calm the heck down. This site is clearly for amatuers & I think we can all admit that there is room for improvement. I, like you, think that posting on here is just good practice and all in good fun. You ARE NOT some cheap paperback romance writer...there are a lot of creepy/smutty/explicit writers on this site, and you do not fit that category. If two people who are attracted to each other and have an intimate past, living in close quarters will definitely spur those kind of thoughts. I felt that it was all realistic and contributed to the overall story.

Please keep writing. You have obvious talent and haters gonna hate.
Crystal chapter 7 . 7/18/2013
I just love this story. I live that you wrote Rory with the issue and fault and not Jess. It was just different for once. Great job.
Peter chapter 7 . 7/7/2013
Ally (my sister) told me you had posted a reply. You do get points for taking criticism on board, good job on that. See, if your profiles sounded a bit more like this reply then probably no one would accuse you of sounding pretentious. I have no idea who you are so I don't know if you really are or aren't pretentious or a hypocrite - you're probably a perfectly lovely girl (or woman as I don't know how old you are). That is however the way your profiles sounded to me and the reason I pointed it out is exactly because you might not have wanted them to sound like that. Which is to say that I think you are misreading the intention of my comments - I never actually called you anything, I merely alerted you of the impression you leave on a completely unbiased visitor to your page. You cannot blame people for the opinions they form based on something you yourself put there.
As for your beta-reader - I did look at the story you referred to, the one on which you said you worked with her. Apologies but I still see perfectly impossible phrases. That is why I asked if she was supposed to be correcting your English - you may have simply used a beta-reader to tell you what they thought of the story in general and not to edit. If that is the case then that is perfectly fine.
I stand by my words while I still wish you the best.
Ally has enjoyed your ending - she most liked the fact that it is open. Unfortunately, she is way too shy to comment.
Best wishes,

AllyBDoughnuts chapter 6 . 7/7/2013
I just saw that people are calling my brother an asshat. He's not an asshat, he was being constructive and at least lost0and0found appreciated that and calling him that is much more rude than anything he said so i guess that means whoever said that is an asshat times two. This is exactly why I don't review and I'm not going to review anymore because people can react like that when someone is being honest and doesn't only talk about the good things.
Sorry, lost0and0found, since you are going to read this review I guess I should also comment on the chapter which I liked because Rory and Jess are doing something together and doing things together always makes people closer. I wish i could read the book Jess wrote. Bye, I'll still be reading but sorry if I don't review.
AllyBDoughnuts chapter 7 . 7/7/2013
Hi, this is Ally. My brother Peter kind of told me to make a profile and write comments on my own and stop asking him for things so I guess I have a profile now but i still don't think I'll write many comments because it somehow makes me feel anxious. So this may be the only comment I make but I feel like I have to say something since I made him read and comment and I'm sitting behind the scenes. I know Peter can be a bit stern but he's really very good and helpful, the only thing is maybe because he's not a girl he doesn't like the same things. Anyway, I like your stories and I most like how you write the hot scenes because they aren't stupid or disgusting or anything. Maybe he's right there are too many of them, I don't know but I like them. They make me want to have a boyfriend but I'm too young lol. I'm glad you said you really wrote hurt/comfort because it's my favorite kind so I'm happy you like it now even if you didn't before. I like how you ended the story with Jess and Rory being together but it didn't feel like an end because a lot more can happen after.
Um... I guess that's it. :)
hieisdragoness18 chapter 7 . 7/6/2013
still love this story. i like how things between them are never easy and simple. that they have to actually work at their relationship
darkheadlights chapter 7 . 7/6/2013
Peter sounds like an asshat. His criticism was hardly what I'd call constructive. I graduated with a degree in literature and writing and I don't see all the flaws he sees. That said, I think you are doing just fine on your own, but if you ever feel like you want a beta, I would happily look over your writing for you. I don't think you NEED one...but just thought I'd offer. Thanks for writing!
LiveWriteReadLove.Lit.Everlark chapter 7 . 7/6/2013
OMG Yay a new chapter. I smiled so big when I saw this in my email. :) So onto my rant for this chapter like always :)

Awe Jess and Rory arguing about her not telling him she declined a job offer :( I think Jess was so upset because he doesn't want her keeping things from him anymore because he is scared if she does that she will just leave him without a notice again and he doesn't want that to happen. But I love how through all the arguing they did Jess calmed down and Rory said she loved Jess and Jess replied he knew he just doesn't like her shutting him out, I loved then how Rory replied that she chose Jess Everytime and she is sorry she left him but she always chose him. Which was so amazing because Jess we see is much more trusting and open with Rory with how he reacted and said he didn't like being shut out, of course I still see how Jess is hesitant sometimes because he doesn't want to be hurt but he is much more open :) Then Rory she isn't holding back that she loves him anymore and tells him it and she opens up with him even more about what was going on with her when she left. I loved seeing the flashback about Emily and how she was trying to make Rory leave Jess but instead Rory chose Jess, she'll always chose Jess :) Then after the story I loved that Jess told Rory to tell him when something happens next time and Rory replied next time to which Jess replied she wanted for him to get his shit together so why wouldn't he wait for her. :D awwwww yay so perfect.

Seriously you are an amazing writer and I love this story and how you write the characters they are truly amazing. :) I can't wait to see what happens next with Rory and Jess I'm happy to see things greatly improving with them :)
allessandramari chapter 7 . 7/6/2013
And another thumbs up here, for this chapter. I'm on the road again, so it'll be short, and there's so much I could pull from... but what strikes me most about this chapter is the dive into Jess's thoughts during the interview, The glimpse at how his mind works, the disection he goes through as he answers. And the thoughts behind the thoughts, the fact he can run an inner monologue while answering and judging. Love it. The glimpse into Rory losing Emily was very in character also. Oh, and you were very polite in your response... :)
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