Reviews for 101 Ways To Nearly Kill John Watson
Miko Eiko chapter 23 . 3/24/2019
Dios, me has dado unos sustos
8annie81 chapter 8 . 7/13/2018
that's freaking terrifying and I want to know more about these criminals
8annie81 chapter 3 . 7/13/2018
Wait were the cultures in the bathroom measles cultures?
Guest chapter 23 . 4/21/2018
Loved every single one of these story’s.
You did an amazing job
gothangelp3 chapter 23 . 11/2/2017
I'm such a sadist, I love all of these stories and would definitely love to read more!
fairyScorpicus chapter 23 . 3/27/2017
I love your story so much I hope you update soon. And I know our probably have a lot of requests there has been this plot bunny nagging me that I hope you might use if you'd like. You don't have to. The idea is where someone holds John and has a gun directly over where the heart should be and Sherlock is there and he has a gun too and the person with the gun shoots but John doesn't die because he has situs inversus totalis, which is where important organs have switched sides so John's heart isn't on his left like it should be it's on his right but Sherlock didn't know that so he's freaking out and John manages to tell him while bleeding.

Love your story!
becgate chapter 22 . 2/13/2017
Love these! ! Keep up the great writing!
BenAddiction chapter 23 . 12/20/2016
Another excellent chapter. :)
Sherlock certainly likes to cut things fine though.
BenAddiction chapter 22 . 12/20/2016
Oh no! That would have been a truly terrible way for John to go! A brilliant chapter as usual.
Mzzmarie chapter 8 . 10/5/2016
Very creative! I love how you write their voices ️
Lalidra102 chapter 23 . 9/17/2016
I Love this story sooooo much!
Every single one was amazing and i already can't wait for the next chapter
Your writting style is really nice and i Love how the characters are not one bit OOC.
You just got yourself a new Fan XD
Love, Lalidra :**
8annie81 chapter 8 . 6/26/2016
That's terrifying.
8annie81 chapter 5 . 6/26/2016
Ennui Enigma chapter 23 . 5/15/2016
Great chapter! Expertly written with details and suspense to make the reader grasp each word down to the last few sentences. The end also reveled the cleverness and clue embedded in the chapter's title. Well done!
mrspencil chapter 23 . 5/11/2016
A close thing:-p
Does John know that 101 are planned, btw?
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