Reviews for And Who By Fire
Strawberries and Cyanide chapter 18 . 8/21/2018
I'll admit I don't normally read (fanfiction) stories where a character has brain damage because, by the nature of TBIs, the person tends to act OOC. What's the point in reading about a character you like if they're not actually behaving like said character, right? In this case, wrong! I am SO glad I gave this story a chance, because it was one hell of a ride from start to finish, and I was hooked all the way through!

I love how brutally honest you were about the long-lasting symptoms of TBIs and how it effects everyone who knew/knows the person. I love how, despite the obvious personality changes, there were still many elements of Dick present to remind us all why we liked this character in the first place- and it makes it all the more sad seeing those similarities in glaring contrast to the changes. I also like that there was no magical cure. It was a story about moving forward, not about regaining what was long, and that's actually pretty rare to see period, let alone see done well.

Your characterization of Jason and the changes he goes through as the story progresses were just so believable! It never seemed like he was OOC or changing too much too quickly; it all felt very organic. I think my favorite part was his 3rd person narrative 'voice,' so to speak. That everything-is-so-effed-up-and-it's-not-funny-but-it-totally-is dark humor is probably my favorite kind of humor in general, and it meshes particularly well with this narrator. The characters acknowledged the effed-up parts without sugar-coating anything, but it wasn't played for angst either.

Also, I feel like PB deserves a special mention because he was just the most hilarious thing. He had such a strong personality despite his lack of (coherent) dialogue, and even though he didn't technically do anything terribly plot-relevant, it still felt like he was an integral character and not just added in as an afterthought for the lols (though mind you, many lols were still had!).

All-in-all, really great job! I'm sure I'll be checking out all your other stuff soon!
The BatThing chapter 10 . 8/4/2018
Perhaps you could write us avid readers another story? You're just SO good. Just tossing it out there, just in case ... It's out there ready to be seen and acted upon.

Either way, thanks for the good reads.
Cas chapter 18 . 1/5/2018
Mas! Some of us rely on reasonable fics that aren't bullshit fluff. Your fics rate a very worthy read. More please!

Kwala chapter 18 . 11/22/2017
I have been reading this from day one! So first and foremost, I am so glad that despite RL you still finished. You should feel proud! I loved, loved, loved this story, the blunt uncomfortable truths that everyone had to face was masterfully done. The fights and Tim were absolute gold. Your OCs were great as well. I'm not huge one M/M stories but you have made me suck it up so many times cause I am in love with your writing. Your insights, adjectives, dialogue , and descriptions make me giddy. Hope your Holidays are great, and as always what ever you write I will read (and do better about reviewing)!
The BatThing chapter 18 . 11/21/2017
Love it when you update. Following you here on out. Thanks so much. You're amazing.
Eboni chapter 18 . 11/20/2017
Hahaha, do I love this chapter? "Woof."

Jason and Bruce. Great interaction. I want to Tim to have recorded what happened between D and Bruce, and show it to Jason later so I can see too!

My favorite interaction this chapter? Titus and PB, lol. It's authors who remember to add in the small things that create my favorite stories and books. Thank you for continuing this story.
Guest chapter 17 . 10/23/2017
I swear your stories be a incredible! you can touch me make me cry and make me laugh at the same damn time.
The BatThing chapter 17 . 10/16/2017
You updated. Amazing :) This made my day.
Eboni chapter 17 . 10/16/2017
"I beat him up with his own leg and threw it out the window"

Yes, I know he did. I know it was just two chapters ago, and they mentioned it again last chapter... but it will never get old! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! And Bruce's fury stopped cold by that, "You what?" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! And then the repeat.

Then the other bomb drops. The relationship and Bruce fully taking in what's going on. The switch from rage to complete bewilderment, again, as Dick and Jason discuss why it might be socially unacceptable to discuss Jason's impotence with the neighbors.

No, the gravity of the Jason/Bruce showdown did not escape me. Whoa, the things Bruce said. Especially when Jason said that thing about being walking proof of what shouldn't have happened. That could and probably did mean so many things. Bruce wished Jason hadn't come back to life. Bruce wished he'd never taken Jason in. Bruce wished he'd never trained Jason to be Robin. Poor Jason. And Jason is right, what's done is done, can't be changed, it was an accident, Bruce hasn't been there to support Dick emotionally, he's not helping Tim or Damian with their feelings either (but he's Bruce, come on). Family therapy would be good for them. Maybe Martian Manhunter can put them through a session, hah!

Great chapter! Can't wait for more! Thanks!
The BatThing chapter 16 . 10/8/2017
Amazing! I can't wait for more :) so well written
Eboni chapter 16 . 9/24/2017
You're back! I'm so thrilled and this chapter reminded me why. I'm loving Jason and Tim's relationship. Tim telling Jason yes I'm mad at you but I'm looking at the brighter side, because what else can we do because we have to move on from this. He's the adult though he's barely legal driving age. I love his phone messages. Bruce is mad. I think it's you. Next message: yeah, it's you. Lol!

Damian is adorable in how he needs his big brother. I'd love to catch a Dick and Damian FaceTime. But more than I want that I want to see what's coming with Bruce... Oh and Jason dealing with a conscious Dick. I'm still snickering at him getting beaten up with his own leg and then having that prosthetic tossed out a window.

Good stuff! I'll always look forward to another update, no matter when it is. Take care!
gimmedarobin chapter 16 . 9/24/2017
Wow! Beyond thrilled to get this notification! Not a beat missed in your characterization and wit, I love experiencing Jason through your writing, and so happy for the continuation. Really love the way you write the dynamic between Tim and Jay, and dear lord reading the words "Eleven missed calls from Tim, three voicemails" gave ME anxiety!

Thank you so much for sharing, looking forward to the next chapter!
Guest chapter 16 . 9/24/2017
*kisses you like crazy* Thank you for updating!
laurarose1785 chapter 1 . 3/22/2017
This is such a great story, hope you continue ! and PB is just the best .
Guest chapter 15 . 12/9/2016
Mooooooooore soon, please!
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