Reviews for Trapped
HannonsPen chapter 14 . 8/3/2019
Well, well, well THIS has taken a turn! Marking to follow.
Harmony Rose Zabini - Malfoy chapter 14 . 1/27/2019
Are you ever going to update, because I'm in love with this story and its been two years since you've updated and I first read it.
Girl Gone Mild chapter 14 . 11/7/2017
Need more!
thechanlou chapter 14 . 10/28/2017
I just finished getting caught up on this story, and I am so sucked in! Dean is kind of obsessed with Annabelle so I don't think she should trust him fully. I think that after eavesdropping on her and Paige talking, he could be trying to get inside her head and convince her not to get with Baron.
Sarah chapter 14 . 10/27/2017
I wouldn't trust Dean if I were her. I do like Paige's idea of her using Baron to get out, if at all possible. Please update again soon! This was a good update.
ThatGirl54 chapter 14 . 10/25/2017
Definitely think he's being genuine and I'm glad Seth had a little heart to heart with her! Brilliant chapter!
Skovko chapter 14 . 10/24/2017
Funny way to put it. He doesn't want her to go because he doesn't want to see her in pain anymore. Well, it's pretty damn painful to stay in the house as well, isn't it?

So lovely to see you back at writing this. :-)
ladyknj chapter 13 . 9/8/2017
Nice story. I wonder what both Dean and Stephanie have planned. Both seem vindictive and willing to go to any lengths to get what they want. Hell, they may even work together to get Anabelle out the house.
Skovko chapter 13 . 3/5/2017
Just came across this story and ate all the chapters in one go. Really good story. Sad to see it has been hanging without an update for almost a year. I hope you get back to it at some point. :-)
Purple Galaxy85 chapter 13 . 3/4/2017
Please Update
Guest chapter 13 . 3/2/2017
Please update it
Guest chapter 7 . 3/2/2017
Guest chapter 13 . 10/6/2016
I'm obsessed with this story! Please update! This is amazing!
jon moxley66 chapter 13 . 9/24/2016
very nicd i love it
Amber chapter 13 . 5/26/2016
I'm too lazy to sign back in for a review but OHH MY! I'm excited you finally updated this story. I'm interested to see what happens between Steph and Paul after all of this and how long Annabelle keeps up her fight against Paul.

Great job. Can't wait until the next update.
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