Reviews for When the Time is Right
FaBbEr0oZ chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
Thanks for not breaking my poor little shipper heart although you twisted it for half of the story.
Suck it Neal!
barnabus67 chapter 1 . 3/4/2015
I can picture him fainting!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/1/2014
Haha suck it
riverkirby chapter 1 . 3/22/2014
Neal is a fainter eh? Lol that was a great story and I laughed so hard at Neal fainting lol
ShadowCub chapter 1 . 10/14/2013
SQLove chapter 1 . 8/5/2013
I absolutely loooooooove your vulnerable Regina. She makes my heart twinge. Especially when she its adamant on doing good despite the consequences.
Alcandre chapter 1 . 7/21/2013
Niiiiice. This is wonderful. Heart wrenching and fluffy all at once. Loved it!
vargagirl chapter 1 . 6/24/2013
Beautiful. Love your writing style and the surprise ending. It made me laugh. Great story.
fledge chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
A wonderful character study indeed, with a real roller coaster ride of feelings and a few wicked scenes of disappointment. Of course with a story like this, there is no need to describe all the action scenes in between, even if it would be nice to read how Tamara and Greg get what's coming to them, as well as the scene where Henry is reunited with his mothers. What you most definitely should expand on, though, is the scene of Neal's return, it would be simply hilarious, a well deserved comic relief after the rather sinister events described here.
Nobody would ever guess English was not your first language, your grammar and spelling are loads better than a lot of fics here written by native speakers. Just one tiny piece of advice: This story is written in the present tense, which is more suitable for a character study like this, sometimes, though, you slip into the past tense, which you should try to avoid. Otherwise, excellently done!
Bambibelle84 chapter 1 . 6/11/2013
[She can feel her too. All of Regina's emotions at that moment. Her sadness, her strength, the desperation to see this all through for as long as she could, as much time as she could buy for the people above ground. Her love, for Henry and...Her eyes go wide..."Your in love with me?" ... "It's not nothing!" Emma yells out, frustration dripping from every word spoken. "I could feel it Regina. It was like..something quite different from what I've felt before. I never felt" Emma swallows, and their eyes lock for a painstakingly long moment. "Loved.." she eventually whispers breathlessly]

Asdfghjkl oh my goodness. My shippers heart.

[ It's strange she thinks. Love is weakness, and yet...she's never felt such strength.]

I can't with this goodness.

["I Love you," she says, after another second has passed. "Good night, Emma," she offers up as she spins on her heels and walks away. A part of her hopes she'll be called back. That Emma would call out her name. An even more foolish part of her hopes to hear Emma profess her love in turn. Of course it never happens. Any of it]

Omg this broke my heart. My baby just bares her heart out and nothing *tears*

["You could've been killed. I could've..." Lost you, Emma finishes in her head ... It's not the same. All I could think of when you were going to give me that bean was abandoning everything I've worked so hard for by myself. The family I gained. The son I'm still learning to know. The woman I..I can't live without."]

Asdfghjkl perfect Emma finally realizes it. That ending tho left me thinking if that's the end of there's gonna be a chapter 2. Neal back gives me the bad vibes. But the way he caught Regina and Emma just OH YEAH. And the plus was he fainted lol. Love this.
Wolliw chapter 1 . 5/31/2013
What a lovely, beautifully paced and plotted post-S2 story. I think it's quite realistic that Emma took some time to come around to Regina, even though they definitely share an emotional bond already.
ithinkyourewonderful chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
Guest chapter 1 . 5/18/2013
sqfangirl chapter 1 . 5/17/2013
Except for the last bit with Neal's return, I really liked this story. Imaginative and pleasing. Thanks.
Rtarara chapter 1 . 5/15/2013 the ending! Great one shot :)
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