Reviews for Fate Brought Us Together
Arii chapter 19 . 4/10/2019
Great story, just wish there was more!
Guest chapter 19 . 8/14/2018
Please come back and finish this story, is Ryuga alright?! We will never know without you.
Takiarika chapter 1 . 5/2/2016
Its soo cute!
You are a great writer!:)))
Sasha chapter 19 . 1/9/2016
Plz finish! I really luv this story!
Guest chapter 1 . 11/18/2015
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 19 . 6/21/2015
Welcome back. I am still curious about how all this will end. Hopefully, Kyouya will have better luck at saving them all if Hikaru is there too to help him somehow. Update as soon as you can, please.
faith chapter 1 . 1/26/2015
Wow that was a good idea to write that
jsyk chapter 18 . 5/29/2014
You have a way with literature, MyCorruptKindess, I'll give you that much and more:
1. You know how to tie Romance and Humor together, but subtly, so that people don't notice you are making comedy, they just laugh.
2. You know a lot about emotion, the characters in which you use, and that is something I think a few very rare people have, and that is amazing.
3. The lemon that you included, I will admit, was pretty God damn sexy, but it didn't seem forced; like both of them wanted that to happen, and even though we both know that Ryuga and Hikaru could never happen in real life, you took on this whole perspective so smoothly, that you need a trophy.
4. And the fact Kyoya is gay- I don't agree with that one bit, but that's where his crazy monkey story comes in, and oh my God, that was freaking hilarious! Also, I love how you were not solely focused on this fact, and I have not found any writer who agrees with yaoi and stuff and doesn't focus solely on that in their stories.
5. Lastly, I love the ends of the chapters; not like I couldn't wait for them to end, but like I was left hanging but also not. That is what makes good writers, MyCorruptKindness.
6. Okay, this is the last one, I promise! I really think that you should turn this into a book, but I think that you should finish it in Fanfiction form first. That way you aren't bothered by the thought that you have to keep people interested, and that you may have to write a sequel if people want more. Also, I believe, in my own personal opinion, that it is easier to write things when you don't feel like you have to impress people, which is, in fact, what a lot of writers struggle with, including myself. But, unfortunately, I cannot fix myself, so I would like to see someone use my would-be personal advice and finish this in Fanfiction form and then turn it into a book.

Okay, maybe I lied, I can fix myself, but I can never find a topic to write about, and most of the topics I write about are book-length, and I know this. So yeah, you should finish this first and then make it into a book. Then you should go see if the creator of BeyBlade would be willing to make it a movie. (I would not include the lemon, out of self-shyness, but you seem pretty brave.)
Crystal Kishatu chapter 18 . 4/13/2014
Please write more this is awesome
AnimeXwolfy chapter 5 . 3/30/2014
THAT LITTLE! *Beeeeep*
Riki- I'll take over -_-" well, great story, we just saw this story today and have been reading nonstop and we LOVE it. And now I gotta stop her cause she's carrying a... CLEAVER?!
Wolfy- he better make sure we dont run into a dark alley *dark aura*
Nice story and GO ANIMALS!
BlackCatNeko999 chapter 18 . 12/28/2013
Oh god, Kyouya. Just...just let it go already. This guy is so IC and totally awesome in this story and I am laughing at his lines really hard, you know.
Now that Merci was defectele can our two maybe-friends-somehow-love-rivals(?) save the Dragon Emperor? We shall find out next chapter hopefully.
(Welcome back, btw ;))
UnknownSkies chapter 18 . 12/26/2013
Oh my god, I seriously thought you gave up on this but I'm so glad you didn't!
Awww, poor Ryu what an asshole Doji is. XD
Whoo! Kyoya-kun saved the day!
Guest chapter 17 . 11/27/2013
Comon make new chapters please it been 7 months
Temporal Leviathan chapter 12 . 9/18/2013
this is the first time i've really hate Kyoya
Temporal Leviathan chapter 9 . 9/18/2013
uh oh jealous Kyoya.
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