Reviews for When Angels Fly Away
6GunSally chapter 5 . 7/9/2013
Great story! Sorry for the confusion in the chapter 1 review, I hadn't realized then that the story was complete. I am glad you chose to explore Granby and Iskierka's relationship. They are so great together, sometimes I feel they should get their own book! Take care, thanks for writing and posting this!
6GunSally chapter 3 . 7/9/2013
Poor thing! Having to bear her first egg alone and afraid! Does this story follow Crucible of Gold?
6GunSally chapter 1 . 7/9/2013
Oh no! They took Granby away! This is a pretty good start, I've always liked Granby and Iskierka's relationship and it seems that it's about to be sorely tested! Good job! Update soon!
AgiVega chapter 5 . 6/3/2013
Ok, here I am, sending you a review with some constructive criticism. :)
First of all, I really liked the story, especially the Iskierka-PoV scenes. You write her so in character! Also, you have a talent for writing battle scenes - that's something I truly envy. I never could write action!
And now, what I had problems with:
1. The spelling - but I'm not going much into that, as you wrote in PM that you were already working on correcting it (pay special attention to the use of commas, the spelling of Aerial Corps - it's not the Little Mermai Ariel; and also the use of apostrophes when using genitive relation)
2. I thought it would have been better to make it clear for the reader a bit earlier why Iskierka was being punished; this way I felt lost for quite a while (though this is not really a problem, after all, we learned what had happened, only much later than I would have prefered).
3. You tend to change point of views within a scene (this was particularly characteristic of the opening scene). In my opinion it is not fortunate to change PoV's within a scene. Tell a scene from one character's PoV, and only change PoV when a whole new scene starts.
4. The egg. It had me utterly confused. When I first read that Iskierka woke to some pain, I thought it was still her wound, and then the egg was there, and I was like "huh? she found a random egg that she decided to care of?" Sure, I might have not paid proper attention to the sentence where you mentioned the egg being covered in slime, but I was confused to the very end where she told Temeraire the egg had been sired by him (in Peru, I guess). So I had to go back to the "labour pains" scene, and re-read it. Then I thought "yeah, okay, but it still should have been a little clearer". And all it would have needed to make it clearer is something like adding "She had laid an egg." after "It was an egg". Just one single, short line, and it would have made the whole thing much clearer. Again, it might have been my lack of attention, but even after re-reading the scene three times, I still think that "She had laid an egg" would have been required there.
5. One line that made me laugh out loud was: "...only the moans of the dead and dying". Um... the dead cannot moan. :P I suggest you rewrite that line. :)
That's all, I liked the story and might read your shorter ones too. If you pay better attention to your spelling, your stories will be sheer entertainment. :))