Reviews for A Final Tribute
Kates7896 chapter 1 . 4/11/2015
Oh my god this fic is so sad! But it is one of the best written tributes to jim Henson in made me cry
Thank you for writing this about this amazing man
Meep chapter 1 . 9/4/2013
OMG, this was so good! I'm sitting here crying right now. This was perfect, a beautiful tribute to Jim Henson and all the magic he created over the years. You should be extremely proud of this story, it was wonderfully done!
Scooter12345 chapter 1 . 7/11/2013
I love again what you did with the song. It was just perfect. You put it in at the exact right moment and I LOVED the quote at the end. I cannot describe how perfect that last quote was. I cried. I really did. This was amazing. PLEASE continue to write fanfictions like these. Fanfictions should be meaningful to you and your readers. Please don't try to be a "popular" fanfiction writer and write just to get reviews or favorites. You get favorites and reviews by touching people which you have by writing each and everyone of these stories. Whatever you have faced, it has made you a stronger writer and person. Jim Henson and his shows have gotten me through some of the toughest places in my life thus far and I can see he's touched you as well. Don't let what other people say or do stop you from surviving and being the awesome writer and person you are. I believe in you and hope you can believe in you too. Thank you.
AbandonedLongAgo chapter 1 . 6/12/2013
This was beautiful, really. I'm sorry for your loss and I hope you will pull through it okay.
Purpuhl chapter 1 . 5/28/2013
Thank you. Thank you a lot.