Reviews for Strangers
reminiscent-afterthought chapter 1 . 7/8/2013
Very interesting. This is set up very realistically, though I can't see how they're going to wind up a couple after this...except from the title. :) Go Ginny! No bat bogey hex though? She's famous for those...and Pansy is acting just like the child of a Death Eater there.

[Unless you were willing to torture poor first years for sport, you had to sneak around in the middle of the night like your life depended on it.] - I love the all or nothing sentiment there. War doesn't really do things by halves, does it? Though surely there are people just trying to stay out of trouble.

Moral learnt: stay away from Ginny's bad side. :)
TheOtherMaidOfTarth chapter 1 . 6/8/2013
I don't normally read fics with Ginny but this one was interesting. At the beginning I didn't even know it her pov. You wrote 'Sometimes she'd even skip up them, in a world of her own', and I was really confused then. Even with the next line about war, and innocence I suppose, I just never thought of Ginny as JKR wrote in the later books as a child. She was always maturing, a 'grown up' now.

I like how you show that she is still a child really, and that she's losing the carefree mindset that comes with that as the war goes on.

I didn't see any SPaG mistakes either. So it was quite an interesting slice of life piece on a character who I don't think was properly developed by JKR.
ZarosianElf chapter 4 . 5/23/2013
I like second person. I don't use it much, since an English teacher told me it "didn't work for the purpose" for which it was used, but I like it. And I like the pairing. And the story. They're all nice and good and nice (again).
DobbyLovesSocks chapter 4 . 5/22/2013
Second person. I quite like it. :) And I liked this chapter, it was well written and wonderful as always.
Oriondruid chapter 4 . 5/22/2013
This is excellent, normally I would never go for this pairing, because of being generally 'canon', not homophobic. :o)
But I really love the way you wrote these two together and the emotions that are expressed so well in the writing. It is a great set of short stories and each built so well on the previous one.
Many Blessings.
Oriondruid, (John).
DobbyLovesSocks chapter 3 . 5/21/2013
Well, the ending was a bit sudden, but I really didn't mind it. Because you wrote it fabulously, every last word of it. Ginny's emotions were perfect, and the line ""I never killed anyone," she said./"You tried, though."/Pansy nodded. "But I didn't.""
that was absolutely amazing, okay? yeah. okay. :)
Oriondruid chapter 3 . 5/21/2013
It was odd, as you say, but powerful and well written. I always felt Pansy was not really evil, just misguided and easily led, under the sway of the people around her and their dark influences. Does Ginny know for sure she was one of the Carrow's torture accomplices,or is she simply lashing out at a convenient target?
The kiss at the end was certainly unexpected, but it achieved several aims, both to shut up Ginny when she was in full rant mode (even if justified) and also to act both as an apology and a declaration of intent. In the case of the later it seems it was 'message received'. :o)
I liked it.
Many Blessings.
Oriondruid, (John).
DobbyLovesSocks chapter 2 . 5/20/2013
Hey, hey Ash.
You know how all my reviews are like "I love this, your writing is always amazing"?
Yeah, well this one is, too. I think this is one of my favourite things by you, and that's saying something. It's a bit angstier, and you do know how I love angst. :3 But it was such an interesting pairing, and you wrote it well- her hesitance and unwillingness to tell anyone. Wonderfullll.
Black Boxed chapter 1 . 5/20/2013
I like the way Ginny is written in this fic. The movie version of her always came across as slightly stuck up, but in this fic she risks herself to protect the younger ones even though her punishment would be (likely) horrible. There was a nice bit of wand action in there, which didn't go unnoticed by me (Though, I would have liked to see a bit more). Overall it was a very nice spotlight on Ginny and what may or may not have taken place during the Carrows run over Hogwarts.

I didn't notice any spag errors, it flowed well, and I'm curious to see if the next chapter has anything to do with this one or not.
Oriondruid chapter 2 . 5/20/2013
As a one shot this is good, not my 'thing' as such but well written as ever and a good description of 'yearning from afar'. :o)
Many Blessings.
Oriondruid, (John).
Oriondruid chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
A well written (as usual) and entertaining one shot. The time at Hogwarts Ginny spent separated from Harry must have been bad enough, not knowing what was happening to him and his two friends, but then to have the despicable Carrows inflicted on the school as well and having to live under constant threat of torture and death must have been terrible, not only for Ginny but for every decent young witch and wizard in the school. This shows well Ginny's sense of justice, bravery and determination.
Many Blessings.
Oriondruid, (John).