Reviews for Dear Bella
Izobella Snow chapter 13 . 9/7
Good lord this was bittersweet. My heart! Your writing is always so fantastic
BellaTesoro chapter 10 . 5/21
Mental health issues are like any other medical ones. If Bella was so depressed, no matter the reason, even if as Edward alludes to he wasn't present enough to meet her needs, it is Bella's brain chemistry that caused the breakdown, or so it seems. Now too Edward seems depressed and not moving forward in a healthy way as well. I'd say he could use therapy himself with some medication to help him figure out how he can move on as at this point, ten years later, he's still alone and depressed over losing Bella. And where are his parents? Does he not have any help himself? This story is so sad and I imagine with the final chapter there has to be some resolution but mental health issues mean a lot to me and I'm happy that the world is taking it more seriously now. And hope this story doesn't gloss over it either. As I can't remember from the first read.
BellaTesoro chapter 7 . 5/21
Edward's proposal that he was so nervous about, ended up being just perfect for them. You described it so brilliantly, I could picture him naked and tripping over the bedclothes to save the day and then it turned out lovely anyway. How could Bella have left someone like this Edward? He sounds so sweet and loving. I guess his one sided thoughts don't give us Bella's reason for leaving. And at this point we know Edward fears her being with someone else so we know she's not dead or anything. Funny how I can't remember how this story ends. Great for me, I get to enjoy it twice!
BellaTesoro chapter 5 . 5/21
I've just realized I read this story back in 2013. It moves me the same way it did the first go around apparently as I reread some of my reviews. This chapter was not reviewed so let me tell you how refreshing it is to read about this E/B's firsts with each other and balanced with Edward's mature recollections of how deeply he felt for Bella. I go back to Edward's thoughts of their first time and this young man taking the time with Bella's body to cherish it even the imperfections he noted. Lovely and bittersweet.
BellaTesoro chapter 1 . 5/21
Aww, my heart goes out to not only teen Edward but this older one who seems to have had his heart broken.
Guest chapter 12 . 9/27/2019
He shouldn't have taken her back. PERIOD.
Guest chapter 11 . 9/27/2019
Ok, so Bella is just a depressed lump of shit, always has been. Got it. Funny that she "never found the right time" to tell Edward. Bella is an asshole.
Guest chapter 10 . 9/27/2019
What the fuck did Edward do to make bella the way she is? He just worked a lot?
Guest chapter 9 . 9/27/2019
Sounds like Bella wasn't even in the marriage at all. Like she was just a depressed lump of shit the whole time.
LatinaLibra chapter 13 . 7/10/2019
I like this story until you realize it's been TEN YEARS and neither have moved on. There's nothing romantic about that, even with the ending being what it is.
Debs0608 chapter 13 . 5/26/2019
Lovely story. So sad but still so hopeful. Thank you for writing.
harkie5 chapter 13 . 12/15/2018
Great story! Thank you for sharing!
mibow chapter 13 . 6/25/2018
mibow chapter 11 . 6/25/2018
holy cow was this one extra powerful!
mibow chapter 6 . 6/25/2018
Even years later...the pacing remains perfection.
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