Reviews for She was Blue
yuzha chapter 6 . 2/26/2018
That's great, thank you so much! May I translate this fic to russian and publish it?
CYLUOS chapter 6 . 8/6/2014
It's a shame this hasn't been updated in so long. I hope you haven't forgotten about it.
Prophet21 chapter 6 . 10/28/2013
Continue, I'm interested snd amused
JLake4 chapter 6 . 10/1/2013
I really like this story. Your Javik is easily the best I've read, though admittedly there haven't been many Javik fics I've read. It's a cool story from the four-eyed perspective of everyone's favorite Prothean, and I can't really criticize it. Well done :P
Lachdannen chapter 1 . 9/20/2013
Interesting interpretations of javik. Personally I have never been a huge Javik fan, save for a few spots but you express his thoughts in a way that made sense and I could understand. I liked how you added details to his history too: the avatar of defiance. It was an excellent touch. My only crit is that the conversation felt a bit stilted/artificial. I am not sure why that is exactly, but something about it felt forced. Not you combined conversations with javik and that is why or what. Anyway i look forward to reading more!
Osage chapter 2 . 9/15/2013
You know, I normally dread 'explore the ship' chapters because they don't reveal anything new and the author forgets that we've all played the game and know where we are. But this was not like that at all! You managed to evoke genuine emotions of ME2 and nicely tied them into the present of the ME3 ship. It really felt like we were learning about the crew through Javik's eyes!
Also, setting up Liara and Shep as past lovers, then having Liara question her love is wonderful! I don't think I've ever seen that attempted in other fics so good on ya for that.
No grammar or spelling mistakes to report. Keep up the good work!
bluekrishna chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
"Am I not destroyed?" oh this is perfect. and it tried to break my little heart, rend it into little pieces. this whole chapter is beautiful, inky. our javik turning into a big softie and all. fluff and angst at the same time? magical. i have no complaints grammatically, though from the hyphens i think i can see a little pie-beta-ing peeking out. or not. lol. great chapter, chica. cheers!
MizDirected chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
A really great chapter. I love how allowing him to have a few moments of life in this time just freaks him right the hell out. It's awesome.

Couple case of the ancient enemy. This one is my least fave.

It was her voice. - here, I would just go... Her voice, and emphasize the her. More punch.

* *Javik munched down on another piece. - munched down? I LOL'd at the thought of Javik munching.

* *In this cycle there was still warmth. Warmth that even he was allowed to enjoy. - couple cases of the ancient enemy here.

* *Didn't the human – Vega - deserve praise for his words? - maybe, this is a derp moment for me, but I did not understand this sentence.

I am worried about Javik when he uses the echo shard. Hopefully with Liara there to help, he won't end up the way he was in the game. :( That made me sad, that facing the past sent him to despair.

You know I love this pairing, more than I love my Jack/Nihlus one... and that's saying something. LOL No, I really do, so now I have to think of something to get the next chapter. Heh.
An Amber Pen chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
Well, look at that. I guess the Normandy rubs off on everybody.
Pendragon22 chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
"You wanna bang him"
I cracked up a little when I read that line. Gotta love Atheyta :) Looks like things are heating up a little between Javik and Liara. Can't wait to find out what happens next!
Lady Amiee chapter 6 . 9/13/2013
The water tank in the corner of his room called to Javik as soon as he crossed the threshold to his room*** You tell us he's in the room twice, it's a little repetitive.

Javik eating eggs ...I would have never have been able to picture it until I read it in this amazing story. I am in love with your Javik, how tentative he is towards warmth. I loved that he brushed her fingers with his, sweet, and fluffy almost. Your dialogue is great too, you really give them both voice! Also, Vega was in the chapter ... so it gets my vote on principle ... though, I do not know what I'm voting for lol. Love it, Inky! Great work, nice clean prose, nothing stood out really, I was too engrossed to see anything anyway, brilliant!
TheGreatness1 chapter 6 . 9/12/2013
this is definitely one of my favourite stories, you've written it so well, and i love the characters and how you have done them. i really hope i can see more chapters of this regularly
bluekrishna chapter 5 . 9/7/2013
"...human machine's sword..." i feel like this is an awkward description. might just go with cyborg.

anyway, good chapter. there's places i felt like it could be streamlined for a tenser, more suspenseful atmosphere, but overall, it was easy to follow and moreover, a vital piece of character development for both doc and buggy. good job, inky!
FluffyCannibal chapter 1 . 9/3/2013
This isn't something I would normally read (to be honest, that's why I play Review Tag, it forces me out of my box!), but I enjoyed this. It kinda shed Javik in a new light for me; he's one of my favourite characters and the idea that he's putting on his renegade side a little bit, holding back some of what he truly wants to say, never occured to me before. It was nice to see a familiar character in a new light. I think you were spot-on with Liara and Javik's characteristics; they're two characters who (in my opinion anyway) are often badly written, so great job there.
Awesome story and I look forward to reading more :)
The Outlander chapter 5 . 8/28/2013
The first part was really, really good. I loved the character development going on there. You've taken Javik from a nearly xenophobic, condescending alien to someone we can relate to, whose doubts and feelings make him come alive. Great stuff. The way he sees the Normandy crew, and how it makes him question everything he knows, from how to fight battles to how to treat others, it was really a nice touch.
That being said, part 2 wasn't as good as part 1. It felt rushed at times, the events followed quickly and none of them really left much of an emotional impact. In fact, I would've preferred this entire chapter had focused on Javik and his feelings (in general and towards Liara), and the next chapter focusing solely on Liara and her feelings.

Some more notes:
-You capitalize Phaeston, but not Particle Rifle, which seems to be a bit inconsistent
-"...there was a little chance..." The 'a' must've been an oversight, but it actually implies the opposite of what I think you're trying to say.
-"There it was again, that need for humor that oozed from every interaction between the Normandy's crewmembers. " - Love it. Exactly what I sometimes think. Like in The Avengers, too. Nobody seems able to ever say a normal sentence. But you're right, in the end it does create a bond.

Anyway, I'm glad you chose to update, and I'm certainly looking forward to more. Every chapter has some great moments.
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